TeachMeet SLF 2014

Wednesday 24th September 2014 from 5 for 5.30pm start – 8.00pm

At the Scottish Qualifications Authority (SQA)

Third Floor, The Optima Building, 58 Robertson Street, Glasgow, G2 8DQ

Signup to talk or lurk at TeachMeet / TeachMeet SLF 2014

Looking forward to going to this.…

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Things I learnt @ #BETT2013

This is a long post!   It’s really just an aide memoire for myself of my first visit to BETT2013, or indeed any Edtech event, so if you like you can skip right to the end for the quiz!

BETT09MSStand3I was recently given the opportunity to escape for a day to visit BETT2013 which is advertised as ’the learning technology event’ in the UK.

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#TMIntl – because it’s good for you

As you might have read about it before on this blog I was very excited that my short talk was accepted for the 3rd edition of the International TeachMeet last Saturday (September 29, 2012).
As I was in a fairly gloomy mood the whole week because of the episode I described here.…

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Getting ready

I’m sure by now most of you have heard of Arjana Blazic’s phenomenally successful TeachMeets. I have been lurking about these sessions with a growing itch to take part, and then I took the leap and I decided to propose a short talk, which was accepted.…

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