syndicating 5358 posts from 517 #etmooc blogs

Questions I’ll bring to #etmooc

Since I’ve participated before in connectivist MOOCs, the start of #etmooc has me thinking about why I’ve come back. Sure, I’m interested in the content of the course. The topics this course will explore come up daily in my work as an instructional coach, so I think this course will help me stay current on important, emerging themes in educational technology.…

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A real life example of digital story in my office

Today I had a young lady come into my office who was feeling very upset over a test mark. This is a student who four years ago would have probably used self harm to deal with her negative emotions.

We sat in my office together and we started to talk out the situation.…

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Fear, Technology, and Discernment

ImageA blog post by @mrsdkrebs got me thinking about what is holding me back from being the chief learner in my class. For many teachers it is fear.

Several ETMOOCers have expressed levels of fear and uncertainty about the course or an app, but I think the real source of fear is much deeper.…

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#etmooc: upon stepping into the river again for the first time

…Et tu, MOOC? It’s not my first time to enter…or return. To orient is to situate yourself but also explore your setting, take your bearings. The drill can still turn up surprises

Declare throws me because I never know quite where I am going so early in journey.…

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Join the #etmooc bazaar

I like the way that #etmooc (Educational Technology  & Media Massive Open Online Course) organisers have opted for a “bazaar” model rather than a “cathedral” model to structure the experience. As explained on the orientation page:

A learning management system (LMS) will not be used.

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Heart of A Community: BCHS Students Fill Their Hearts

One of the innovative projects I am pleased to work on this year involves a collaboration between myself, another counselling colleague and our art teacher. BCHS Spectrum Club’s mission is to bring people together and spread a message of love and acceptance.

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2015 in Review

So 2015 is on its last legs. What have I got done educationally this year? I didn’t participate in any moocs, but I did stay connected with DS106, Postetmooc and TVSZ. So nothing new, just the maintenance of existing relationships. What did I do instead?…

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wow. look at that.

Yesterday, Coursera announced another steaming option, this time watching their contents on Apple TV.  This reminded me of the 1980s-1990s Annenberg-funded World of Chemistry. In high school, I loved World of Chemistry.

The video only plays the cold open for the show; to access the contents requires going to Annenberg Learner where you can watch and share but not embed; Annenberg has requested no embedding. 

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Driving Reuse by Perception Software

About this webinar

There are many benefits of parts reuse in the supply chain such as shortened development cycles and getting leverage with vendors because of increased volumes. One of the big hindrances to enabling reuse is getting the right people the right data at the right time and Cisco’s Greg Twiss (Director of Engineering Supply Chain and top 10% of patent holders) realized this big gap and architected Intelligent Search into the culture of Cisco for discovering parts/BoM related information.…

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syndicating 5358 posts from 517 #etmooc blogs