A Year to Create, Explore, and Expand


My title owes complete homage to an inspirational blog post that stirred my imagination at 10:30am on New Year’s Day – a post that instantly spun my world and gave clarity of purpose to my new year – my 2014!  This post is a must read: 50 Ways to Find Inspiration: Create, Explore, Expand at Tiny Buddha: Simple Wisdom for Complex Lives.  …

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The Value of Penny Kittle PD

Charged with the task of trying to articulate what has Penny Kittle done to transform my teaching, and trying to persuade administration to support a 7-12 Professional Development opportunity for our teachers, feels like a daunting task – but a worthy task.…

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Setting the Stage for Learning

I’m an aesthetic kind of person.  Setting really matters to me! Theories about what works best in classroom design and structure, to optimize student engagement, has been an obsession of mine.  I have worked so hard to create an ambiance and space of learning, peace and calm – a home.…

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For the Love of Reading

My all-time favorite book is… Wuthering Heights by Emily Bronte!  


Cover of "Wuthering Heights (Barnes & Nob...

Cover via Amazon





 I have always loved WUTHERING HEIGHTS by Emily Bronte as it stole my heart and mind at the age of 18.  It taught me about the pitfalls of idealism and single-mindedness – two flaws I possessed as an adolescent and continue to struggle with today. 

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Death of the Mouse

Field Mouse/ Mulot

Field Mouse/ Mulot (Photo credit: Max xx)

So, in case you are unaware, I have had a mouse in my room.  UGH!  Horrific!  Poison baits didn’t work.  Starvation didn’t work. So, trusty James, the superman of keeping our school clean and orderly,  put in a “sticky” trap.…

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The Music of My Pen

The experience of participating in etmooc – Educational Technology Media Open Online Course – since January was awesome in developing my literacy with the digital and media opportunities that abound for education.  Thus I felt confident that I could pursue my learning goals without the constrictions of traditional learning models. 

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A Brief Blog Buzzing with Bits and Bites

In the etmooc (Educational Technology Media Open Online Course), I have learned how to use some interesting sites where you can curate and collaborate with information.  This has been incredibly eye-opening, useful, and liberating.  I began by lurking, dabbled by retweeting, blabbed with tweeting, flirted with reviewing, buzzed on my blog, and now – with these exciting new sites – aspire to curate.…

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Etiquettes with Blogging

Etiquette and expectations for blogging and commenting has always been part of my blogging journey with my students.  Being thoughtful as both a writer and reader are important.  I love that my students start to think of themselves as writers, but more importantly, I love the community they build through the process of joining the conversation with each other through feedback. …

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The Light Shines in the Dark

A powerful light shines in the dark.

A powerful light shines in the dark. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

The mysterious forces of the universe never cease to amaze me.  As doors close, windows open.  Once, in a relationship crash of my twenty-something years, my father – who thinks pragmatically like any true businessman – tried to comfort me with “don’t look at this as an obstacle, rather, look at it like an opportunity!” …

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“Tell all the Truth …”

I was reading some poetry this evening, cause that’s what lit-geeks like me do, and serendipitously found this Emily Dickinson poem that resonated deeply with me on many levels, especially in regards to my quixotic pursuit of the paradigm shift with educational technology that I spoke of in my last post.…

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