syndicating 5358 posts from 517 #etmooc blogs

Alternative Magic Realism


This assignment is to take a cover of a well-known book and re-design the cover to suggest something completely different.  I scanned my bookshelves and selected Orlando by Virginia Woolf, giving Lord Jim a miss.

Orlando to most people means Disney World, so I found an image of the Magic Kingdom on Flickr by Oscar_shen (BY-NC-SA) to use as a part of the cover.…

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Hot GIF Kool-Aid’s Ready! Drink Up!

GIFing and ds106 has changed my life forever! Last week in the cult, I mixed up some sweet GIF kool-aid, and served it to other cult members! Fascinated with the concept of the GIF, I called on our ds106 cult to go on an adventure!
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Acme Doodle – Learning By Design

MOOCS for LibrariansI have wanted to try visual note-taking for a while and have given it a couple of tries, but find that I drift to using mostly words.  I bought Mike Rohde’s The Sketchnote Handbook last fall as inspiration.  This week I attended a symposium on MOOCs and Libraries so decided to try visual note-taking in one of the sessions.  …

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Connecting Today

This morning I participated in the following Connected Educator event*
Unfortunately the original key speaker was unavailable due to illness. However we had the pleasure of being able to work with Roz Hussin
who agreed to facilitate the session in Stephen`s place.…

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Designing Great Comment Love in Peer to Peer Learning

Sally Field’s  “You like me! Right now!” Oscar acceptance speech 

One of the most important aspects of being part of a peer to peer learning environment such as ds106 is engaging in the art of giving, receiving and eliciting critical feedback.

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A Gif Story is Born


Click the image for the gif


Here is a the story of a gif collaboration which found life on the DS106 Google + Community Sept. 26 after an initial ‘fun’ posting by Ary Aranquiz inspired by Luis Bunuel’s ‘Un Chien Andalou”.…

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syndicating 5358 posts from 517 #etmooc blogs