syndicating 5358 posts from 517 #etmooc blogs

Why Should Educators Care About 3D Printing?

Faculty eCommons

3D printing is coming of age. Higher resolution printers, strong affordable materials, and sophisticated software that converts freely available and detailed CAD drawings into printable files has made it possible for relatively amateur users to ……

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Summer PD Plans

Following up +Jennifer Peyrot‘s helpful post on her plans for “Summer Learning Fun” and thanks to the inspiration found in the scores of Twitter chats happening every day, I figured it’d be a good idea for me to consolidate some of my own plans for next year.…

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JISC Y/H Summer Conference 2012 #rscinspire13

Today wasn’t like a normal Wednesday, I didn’t get up at 6, I didn’t eat breakfast in the car and I didn’t drive to Derby. Instead I had a lie in, caught the train to Leeds and almost had a heart attack as I undertook the nerve raking task of delivering my first conference presentation.

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Connecting Professionally

You may have noticed something new at the top right of this page.  I have added a link to my arsenal of connections with my professional world.  Yep!  I added a Facebook page! Now that I’ve done this, I have to update my Linkedin, Twitter and Youtube links to reflect this new way to connect […]

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Google Earth/Maps Latin Project

Thanks to inspiration from the Power Searching with Google course, I developed a digital Classical scavenger hunt for our last JCL club meeting of the year that takes advantage of Google’s search-by-image feature. The experiment went well, and I’m looking forward to integrating the the use of images and Google Forms into my Latin classes next year.…

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Your New Summer Plans: QM Live! Summer Camp

Faculty eCommons

It’s summer!
You should be lying on the beach, napping under your favorite tree, sailing across the lake…but you also know that summer may be your only chance to participate in some much-needed professional development.
Great news! Register for ……

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Teaching the Tough Topics

Reblogged from Inscho In School:

In every age there are those topics that are the “tough” ones.  We know there are valuable lessons there, but the content isn’t directly in the curriculum.  Sometimes we skirt around them because they’re often controversial.  

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Twitter for Increasing Student-to-Student Interactions

Faculty eCommons

This 30-minute webinar examines how Twitter opens new opportunities for reflection and inquiry, and presents options to get started with using Twitter in your class. Increasing student-student interaction in an online class makes learning more ……

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Summer Learning

Summer is rolling in one hot wave at a time…I’ve been busy with the close out of school and then some.  I’m very curious as to what’s new in technology that will promote learning throughout the summer?  I will search and see what I come up with in that area. …

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syndicating 5358 posts from 517 #etmooc blogs