syndicating 5358 posts from 517 #etmooc blogs

Student Blogging

In September when I started blogging with my Grade One students, I was probably more scared than they were. Our first computer lab period was…  insanity. My Grade Ones were taught how to log on and use a computer in Kindergarten, but they had a summer to forget and I wasn’t just asking them to log on.…

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Through the Noise: Balance in a Digital World


Photo Credit: giulia.forsythe via Compfight cc

When thinking about balance in a digital world, three questions come to mind: Why is balance necessary, how do we demonstrate or measure it, and are educators modelling, achieving, and accepting it? These questions, I believe, are vital in determining how successful we will be in navigating the digital world – educationally, socially, and emotionally.…

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Adding YOU into Your Educational Story

Last week I did a blog around the fantastic experience my high school students had at U of S’s Synchrotron, as a part of the CLS Light Source program and how important they felt to be a part of that project.…

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(Open) Attitude is Everything, Part 1

Time for change

After reflecting on the sessions I participated in, viewing the archives of the sessions I couldn’t participate in, reading blog posts, and skimming Storifys of #ETMOOC Topic #4: The Open Movement – Open Access, OERs & Future of Education, my brain is once again in a state of jumbled awesomeness.…

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Twitter in the Classroom

Three years ago, I wrote my first post about Twitter.

If you are looking for a way to keep parents informed in bite-sized portions, Twitter may be a good solution for you as it can integrate nicely into a parent’s handheld lifestyle.…

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Now’s Your Chance! Contribute to the Faculty eCommons

Do you have a success story to share with the online education community? We want to help you do that. Now Accepting Guest Posts for April We understand that quality standards are a top priority for you and your institution, especially when it comes to developing online courses.…

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The professors who make the MOOCs [Kolowich]

The professors who make the MOOCs – from The Chronicle by Steve Kolowich


Like many professors at top-ranked institutions, Mr. Sedgewick was very skeptical about online education. But he was intrigued by the notion of bringing his small Princeton course on algorithms, which he had taught for five years, to a global audience.…

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Winston Churchill and Web 2.0 Tools

Web 2.0 tools are unreliable at best and unavailable at worst. They don’t work the way they did last week because of their constant feature updates. They don’t allow for us to own many of the things we create either. They are, in fact, the worst tools for collaboration that exist, except for everything else that we have tried.…

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syndicating 5358 posts from 517 #etmooc blogs