syndicating 5358 posts from 517 #etmooc blogs

Week Two #etmooc Goals

Pretzel Art by Tony Stanczak, former student

Goals for #etmooc, reviewed:

As I embarked on this journey in #etmooc , I asked these questions:

  1. Given the access, technology, resources, and requirements available to me, how can I create a classroom world reflective of what my students need in the future that is theirs?
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#LAK13 – Avvicinamento a Canvas e a Tableau Software

Mi sono iscritta al corso Learning Analytics and Knowledge 2013 nella convizione che possa essere un osservatorio interessante di quanto sta emergendo nel settore; l’interesse è legato all’esigenza di  evolvere il mio modo di essere lifelong learner attraverso i fenomeni emergenti e le  tecnologie digitali.…

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Stories – Using a New Technology to Tell My Story

The past couple weeks #etMOOC has been focusing on storytelling. While that was going on, I was focusing on my instructional design for eLearning course that I am taking from UW-Stout toward earning a graduate certificate. I highly doubt that the certificate will help me get a job but the course is haiku deckkeeping me occupied.…

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Revisiting Twitter

I have not been on good terms with my twitter account – this was not something I wanted in my life and I was not going to indulge in interactions just to be pleasant.  Except that now I keep coming across people I would like to follow – mostly other BC educators (my world is enlarging a little at a time) whose work I have become aware of, and interested in….so…

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Thoughts on Interest-Based Learning

Our second session assignments for the MIT Medial Labs Learning Creative Learning MOOC is to, in part, read through some of +Joichi Ito‘s blog posts on learning and respond with our own thoughts about what we found most surprising or interesting, and offer disagreements or questions, should we have any. …

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On MOOCs and Learning

ETMOOC is the second MOOC I’ve joined in as many weeks (MIT’s Learning Creative Learning being the first). I like that they use small pieces, loosely joined, like blogs, Google+, and Twitter. Sometimes the stream on information can seem overwhelming.…

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The Digital Storytelling Experiment

My students just finished a unit on the Moon.  We took a field trip to the Challenger Learning Center in our community and we were astronauts and mission specialists.  We had a ball.  At the debriefing at the end of our experience, we saw a video created by the interns at the NASA Johnson Space Center in Houston.  …

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syndicating 5358 posts from 517 #etmooc blogs