syndicating 5358 posts from 517 #etmooc blogs

Listen To Me – I Can Read

audioboo_logo[1]We’ve had the Audioboo App on our school iPads for a while now. It’s a great podcasting tool because you can easily record student’s voices and the recording automatically uploads to the Audioboo website where you can manage all your “Boos” and embed them wherever you want.…

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Digital Storytelling – retelling history with technology

Recently I’ve been working on a multimedia project with some students on retelling the story of King Robert the Bruce & the Scottish Wars of Independence. This has resulted in a new website,, which we’re trying to make as interactive & engaging as we can.…

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Digital Storytelling – retelling history with technology


Recently I’ve been working on a multimedia project with some students on retelling the story of King Robert the Bruce & the Scottish Wars of Independence. This has resulted in a new website,, which we’re trying to make as interactive & engaging as we can.…

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The Railway Workshops in Remedios de Escalada (an interactive image)

On 26thOctober 1901 the Remedios de Escalada railway workshops opened. A year later the railway station was inaugurated and simply called “Villa Talleres” (Workshop Village). Much later, in 1923, Villa Talleres was renamed as “Remedios de Escalada” to pay homage to General José de San Martin’s wife.
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Digital Storytelling

  • Digital storytelling is “using the tools of digital media to craft, record, share and value the stories of individuals and communities, in ways that improve our lives” (Center for Digital Storytelling).
  • “… refers to using new digital tools to help ordinary people to tell their own real-life stories.”
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Digital Storytelling

  • Digital storytelling is “using the tools of digital media to craft, record, share and value the stories of individuals and communities, in ways that improve our lives” (Center for Digital Storytelling).
  • “… refers to using new digital tools to help ordinary people to tell their own real-life stories.”
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Knowledge? #etmooc

A little note: “… Increasingly, people … have to use higher thinking skills (and less lower skills  like ?Knowledge?). … “

Lower thinking skills are now needed more than ever. Knowledge of the use of media, knowledge of language, it is  necessary knowledge. …

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Digital What?

It seems the last two weeks have flown by and I have completely missed Topic #2 Digital Storytelling! I have not had a chance to catch anything via google+, see anyones creative pieces, nor engage in any #etmchat. I have resorted to just sulk and peek shamefully at the 100plus messages in my gmail :( reminding me how much I have missed!…

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Week note 6/2013

This week it was half term at the college I work at so I’ve put my work related tasks on hold and have been indulging in my own tech interests:

  • As part of the #etmooc I have looked into digital story telling which has lead me to collaborating with my peers and creating ‘The Pirate‘ story.
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syndicating 5358 posts from 517 #etmooc blogs