syndicating 5358 posts from 517 #etmooc blogs


Peter Jensen paints a double-headed sea serpent on our house in the Whittaker neighborhood

Peter Jensen paints a double-headed sea serpent on our house in the Whittaker neighborhood

I came home from a walk last week, and a double-headed sea serpent was appearing on the wall of our house.

A Sisutyl (also spelled Sisiutl) is a dramatic supernatural creature, and it is one of the most high ranking crests in Kwagiulth culture.

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BC’s Freedom of Information and Protection Of Privacy: Using EdTech in a BC Classroom

I have been exposed to the use of so many open platforms in my #etmooc course this term, so I finally asked the question to the group about FIPPA in BC, and I have learned that in British Columbia, as educators, we are restricted by this law while working in our institutions.…

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Travel and Online Courses

Two weeks out of the country and I’m missing my ETmooc work!  It’s not that I didn’t have some sort of internet connection.  While spotty, I could at least get online.  But, it’s the time and attention that is the issue, for me.  …

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The use of story and digital story

A tentative definition of story

1. A narrative, either true or fictious, in prose or verse, designed to interest, amuse or instruct the hearer or reader. A narrative is an account of events, experiences, etc.
2. The plot or succession of incidents of a novel, poem, drama, etc.…

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the challenge of participating with limited access

Access on dial-up in a learning community that assumes high speed connectivity, whether home or institutional, continues to be a major challenge pursuing multiple moocs, whether concurrent or serial. Verb choice and ‘why’ can wait as topics. Now is first aid time for a prematurely published post (email glitch, sending instead of saving, which also goes to another mooc-related area, keeping the damn tools and their protocols straight

Accessing /consuming course materials is the first challenge ~ and an ongoing.…

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What’s the Value of Foreign Language?

Bolchazy-Carducci is one of the more prolific publishers of Classical texts, and they’ve done a lot of great work for Greek and Latin teachers that has helped to make our jobs easier.  In their February eLitterae newsletter, Sherwin Little’s Little’s Bits column “A Latin teacher wears many hats…” addresses the complexities of a Latin teacher’s job, which often requires us to serve in part as a “public relations specialist” to help keep our numbers strong. …

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Edmodo is a powerful tool to use as a teacher with students as well as for professional development.  Today, our teachers are setting up accounts for our next faculty meeting.  It will take place from our computers.  It’s an online academy for our PLN! …

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Trust the Process

chasmI’m not trusting the process yet.

A participant described #etcmooc experience as manic;  I could not agree more.  The course is half over and I’m not settled into a rhythm of learning.  The activity level is incredulous, amazing and intimidating simultaneously – and that is wreaking havoc on my brain.…

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syndicating 5358 posts from 517 #etmooc blogs