syndicating 5358 posts from 517 #etmooc blogs

Answers need questions…

Generally speaking, questions need answers, but a colleague reminded me this past week that some answers need questions too.

Learning slows down drastically, or even stops completely when we get to a point where we believe we know everything we need to know about something.

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‘Where are’ vs. ‘who are’ the professors. Thoughts on Google Hangouts and #edcmooc

I am catching up on some of the readings and work associated with E-Learning and Digital Cultures and just viewed the recorded version of the end-of-the-week Google Hangout (below) hosted by the organizers of this Coursera course. I wanted to take a moment to comment on my experience – and my aha’s about Hangouts as part of MOOC design.…

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etmooc 2-3-13

Bob Connor, who has spent his life in education, the last three and a half decades or more dealing with higher education management or think tanks, had the following to say about MOOCs: His viewpoint is very interesting because he comes from the most traditional part of the educational establishment (Ivy League Classics), and yet has often fostered new non-traditional approaches. 

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As the past two weeks of ETMOOC have been dedicated to exploring connected learning one dominant theme has been “sharing“. Bloggers inspired by Dean Shareski’s session on Sharing as Accountability have explored the theme overtly in posts such as Lyn Hilt’s Sharing is Caring and Shane Brewer’s Sharing as an Ethical Responsibility.…

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#ETMOOC Lipdub

The #ETMOOC lipdub! A collaborative project spanning continents as we came together to sing (well mime really) Don’t Stop Me Now by Queen. I appear at 2’26 for my 3 seconds of fame. What fun to see the finished product. Well done to all involved and a great way to get everyone working together.…

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Using iMovie on an iPhone

Every spring we have a night for the upcoming 8th graders. At this time, you need to put on a good show to recruit new students for your classes. I have tried a number of things, other students, green screens, interviewing people, but there is a lot of competition from other programs.…

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Using iMovie on an iPhone

Every spring we have a night for the upcoming 8th graders. At this time, you need to put on a good show to recruit new students for your classes. I have tried a number of things, other students, green screens, interviewing people, but there is a lot of competition from other programs.…

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Time flies…

I can’t believe that we have come to the end of the first session of #etmooc: Connected Learning.  This is a very short post to demonstrate some of the activity over the last fortnight.  For more reflective accounts and conversations, see Google+   Blogs  and Twitter (#etmooc)

I chickened out of collaborating on the libdub project, but I will definitely be stealing the idea for some future project of my own:


I did add my slide to this collaboratively constructed slide-deck, which demonstrates how easy it to collaborate on a Google presentation, even globally.…

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To be or not to be…connected?


Image: ‘Volvox ‘
Found on

As we can read in Wikipedia

“Volvox is the most developed in a series of genera that form spherical colonies. Each mature Volvox colony is composed of numerous flagellate cells… The individual algae in some species are interconnected by thin strands of cytoplasm, called protoplasmates.…

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Connected Learning, MOOCs, and #etmooc

Since the best MOOCs (massive open online courses) appear to be rooted in connected learning, it’s no surprise to me that my current exploration of MOOCs through participation in #etmooc—the Education Technology and Media course organized by University of Regina professor of educational  and media Alec Couros and several “co-conspirators”—is leading me (and approximately 1,400 other learners) into an engaging exploration of connected learning.…

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syndicating 5358 posts from 517 #etmooc blogs