syndicating 5358 posts from 517 #etmooc blogs

“Please hang up, and try again!”

EDC MOOC asks:  This animated film tells the story of technological development in terms of ritual and worship – the characters in the film treat each new technology as god-like, appearing from the sky and causing the immediate substitution of the technology before it.

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Getting Beyond Lurking with #etmooc and Blackboard Collaborate Sessions

Newbie’s log–newbie date 31/01/2013…. 3:15pm CST retweets #ETMOOC invitation to Sue Waters’ session on student blogging 3:23pm CST gets help from Elizabeth (gentle nudging tweets) to get butt into Blackboard Collaborate session and start lurking 3:24pm CST gets more Twitter … Continue reading

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Who Do I Follow?

As I recently considered who to follow, I found myself reading blogs and getting more overwhelmed. I felt unfocused in my venture. However, as I sifted through the sea of blogs and skimmed and moved on, I found a commonality in the blogs I invested time in to read.…

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awooley77 2013-01-31 23:43:59

Well today I stumbled upon Ed Nagelhout’s blog in the Hub, in which he wrote on Philosophies. Moreover I noted that he was involved in teaching grammar,- English grammar. I was interested because it is rare that one is interested in both philosophy and grammar, as I can attest, since I am in the same boat.  …

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Who Controls What You Learn and Rhizomatic Learning

Today, I sat down and tried to wrap my brain around Rhizomatic Learning w/ Dave Cormier which I watched last night in the etmooc archives. Ok, so let me get this straight.. “We, as in all of us, or those in a class or Mooc” decide what the learning goals are??…

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MOOC2Degree: A Step towards Successful Disruption

Shortly after Academic Partnerships announced the launch of MOOC2Degree, news of the initiative spread through Twitter and reached national news providers and the blogs of higher education thought leaders. MOOC2Degree, an initiative that converts the first course of an online program into a credit-bearing MOOC (massively open online course), allows potential students to try out […]

The post MOOC2Degree: A Step towards Successful Disruption appeared first on Faculty eCommons.…

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Learning Community-the Critical Ingredient

During the Dave Cormier session last week, Alec Couros used these words to describe etmooc:  ”we all decided to walk through the same door on the Internet so we could think together.”  And think we do.  And chat. And share.…

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Learning Community-the Critical Ingredient

During the Dave Cormier session last week, Alec Couros used these words to describe etmooc:  “we all decided to walk through the same door on the Internet so we could think together.”  And think we do.  And chat. And share.…

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DNLE and other relationships

Well fellow etmoocers, moocmoocers and DNLE alumni I passed the DNLE course and have my certificate in my hands (I’m old school- I printed it). So how am I feeling right now? Elated! Yes DNLE did evaluate my work, yes there were issues with the course (but now I realise that there are issues in every course, online or off- the challenges are just different to overcome) but I wouldn’t be wending my way through the mooc world and having these amazing conversations about learning, educating, philosophy and other subjects (I use Pinterest and yes I post recipes!)…

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syndicating 5358 posts from 517 #etmooc blogs