syndicating 5358 posts from 517 #etmooc blogs

A Mouse goes Rebel

One of the areas that has really caught my eye since we began ETMOOC is curating.  I mentioned in the previous blog post that I had never really thought about curating but was going to investigate further.  Well, I have started that process and while I don’t know if my mind is any clearer on how I personally want to curate I have started to look at some of the tools that were mentioned in the Introduction to Social Curating session.…

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Stop Helping Math Students So Much

I know that almost everything you find on the interwebs is true. But nothing I’ve found is more true than this:

This talk really resonates with me. Everyday, as I lecture in my community college classroom, I look into my students’ faces and see boredom, confusion, and an effort to just try to get through.…

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What the heck is Connectivism and Whats It Doing in My Mooc?

See on Scoop.itConnectivism for Online Learning

A couple of weeks through the Educational Technology and Media course #etmooc, and it seems like a lot of participants are learning and enjoying themselves.  Recently though I have noticed some pos…

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Is developing voice a prerequisite for connected learning?

Every time you take the risk to be true to your own soul – whether or not you name your action as heroic – your example helps others to do likewise. When you notice this pattern, it becomes easier to have absolute fidelity to your own path without fear that doing so is selfish.

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MOOC Player / Manager

So this was going to be a blog about player-managers, which I delightfully assumed was so much a football (NO, NOT SOCCER FOOTBALL) concept that I’d have to explain player-manager first. So I go to Wikipedia, and it turns out Curly Lambeau, who not only played for and coached the Green Bay Packers, but also founded them.…

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Problems with Rhizomatic thinking in an Educational Context

LoVid in performance

LoVid live in performance – image from

Today I quietly took issue with the use of post-structuralist theory as a foundation for a learning model. Given the recent shift in philosophy, the so-called speculative turn, why are we returning to 1970s French theory?

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How metacognitive are you?

“Metacognition is not something you plan into your schedule, but rather, something you do in your day-to-day teaching.”                                                                             Guylaine Melançon, 2005

There has been lots of talk about self efficacy, students learning to choose from all the information offered online, learning to see what is ‘out there’ that they need, and to be both independent and interdependent learners.
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How metacognitive are you?

“Metacognition is not something you plan into your schedule, but rather, something you do in your day-to-day teaching.”                                                                             Guylaine Melançon, 2005

There has been lots of talk about self efficacy, students learning to choose from all the information offered online, learning to see what is ‘out there’ that they need, and to be both independent and interdependent learners.
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syndicating 5358 posts from 517 #etmooc blogs