syndicating 5358 posts from 517 #etmooc blogs

Wanted: More Communication With Parents


Last year I started a class website with hopes that parents/guardians would get a better idea of what their children were learning & doing at school. 

It included:

-a schedule of upcoming dates
-links to school district pdfs
-a form with which they could send me messages
-a class blog about upcoming units/projects
-list of daily homework and assignments
-links to educational websites
and more!

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laughing diary

Last Friday, September 7 was my birthday, and I took a day off, yeah, it was awesome. And I shared my day with my daughter, my nephew and some friends. And had a party with my PLN, I even got roses from Greece.…

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Games-Based Learning: Massively MineCraft Open Day (in which I learn to fly)

I recently attended an online Open Day on Massively Minecraft. It was probably the steepest learning curve I’ve encountered in a while, perhaps since primary school, honest! And here is what I learned.

Massively Minecraft (MM) is a guild or ‘ learning community  for kids and their parents – exploring how to live, work and play in MineCraft.’(MM…

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Games-based Learning: Hunting and Planning


After talking with my boss (Head of Learning Resources) and with one of the school IT staff who is very supportive of games-based learning, we have decided to pursue setting up a Minecraft private server and beginning a small after-school group in the library next term.

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Edmodo’s Healing Power

I enthusiastically rolled out Edmodo to my team of 80 6th graders on week 2 of school, just over a week ago. This is year 2 of Edmodo, by the way! The kids are embracing it and working toward beginning badges.
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My Summer of Learning

Well the summer is over.  It just flew by…because I was having so much fun….learning! 

I grew a lot as a teacher this summer.  From stepping out of my comfort zone to teach 6 year olds in summer school for the first time, to doing a lot of professional reading, to taking another graduate course at SFU. 
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#etmooc – Let’s Get Started!

In mid-August, I wrote a post to gauge interest in a possible Edtech-focused MOOC (Massive Open Online Course) to begin January of 2013. I received a handful of responses on my blog, dozens of Twitter replies (captured in this Storify), and (to-date) 142 individuals stated their interest in participating via this Google form.…

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syndicating 5358 posts from 517 #etmooc blogs