Excited about #etmooc 2013

I am looking forward to participating in my first MOOC via #etmooc! I am curious to experience the benefits of learning in an open online environment and engaging with and learning from others around the world. I have experienced “online” training in the past few years, however being located away from the “host” country and the time zone difference will be a new challenge.…

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MOOC Madness

Monday marks the start of the Massive Online Open Course: Educational Technology & Media (etmooc). And even though they haven’t figured out how acronyms work, it is the brain child of a lot smart people in the EdTech community. There are currently “over 1200 participants registered representing 67 countries,” and I am but one of the masses.…

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Finding Focus in the MOOC Haze

When I began this blog, I intended it as a curation of the MOOC discussion, weaving in the current news with historical reference and adjacent issues in education.  That ended quickly, as the MOOCstrom (think Norway on that one) is relentless, with a barrage of new articles popping across email, blogs, RSS and social media.  …

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The People Piece: Passion and Curiosity

Earlier this month, Mark wrote a post called Webmaker 2013: Product + Community, and we’ve seen a slew of posts that talk about the evolution of Webmaker from the product perspective, so I thought I would write a little about the people piece.…

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MOOCs – the Public/Private Partnership of Higher Education

Ed tech author Audrey Watters wrote one heck of a MOOC synopsis for the movement’s 2012 history and future.  The look back at 2012 hits a lot of the points this blog has attempted (in more words and with less skill), so it was the look forward that piqued me the most:

But as we see some of the unbundling start to occur, it feels as though there is a re-bundling of sorts.

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But can the Internet really replace higher education?

Este foi o texto que prendeu a minha atenção em 23 de outubro.
Inicialmente a citação “Learning is not a product of schooling but the lifelong attempt to acquire it.” -Albert Einstein

E logo apos encontro que “[…]There currently exists too much of a gap between the university world and the general public.”

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#etmooc – Let’s Get Started!

In mid-August, I wrote a post to gauge interest in a possible Edtech-focused MOOC (Massive Open Online Course) to begin January of 2013. I received a handful of responses on my blog, dozens of Twitter replies (captured in this Storify), and (to-date) 142 individuals stated their interest in participating via this Google form.…

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