A Digital PLN Story #etmooc

Hang Out

How do you build a PLN? Take a risk. Be JoLLE: Join, Lurk, Learn, Extend.

In 2011 Denise Krebs and I began an adventure, and I am forever grateful for the friends and support that have been shared back and forth since then, and continues even now.…

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Personal Learning Networks


PLN’s may not be joined at the hip for life to MOOCs (it may even be possible to partake of one without the other) …but feels like it at times. Here, Pinterest throws its cyber hat into the PLN ring.…

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Digital Story Telling Poetry – A Project #etmooc

I’m behind ( need rhizome post) and ahead (digital storytelling) — racing like a turtle  and I can’t keep up, yet I add to the story with a segment from  past post from 2009 because of this encouraging post by Verena Roberts for next week’s digital storytelling #etmooc.…

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Stories of Opennes

Alan Levin challenged us to share stories of openness. The whole idea has to do with what happens when open to share online.

I took the challenge and this is my story.

Stories of Openness is very linked to Dean Shareski‘s webinar on Sharing as Accountability, where I became more aware of the importance of sharing and the responsibility, we as educators, have to share.

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Connected Learning and the Introverted MOOC-er

So I have been pondering my latest #ETMOOC blog challenge for almost 6 minutes now on Connected Learning.

If people are looking for ideas to write about, I’d like to take this opportunity to once again share the blog prompts that were mentioned in the Introduction to Connected Learning presentation.

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Rhizomatic Learning – Thanks to my Weak Links

Over the past year and a half I have been back-channeling whenever I can at the professional development opportunities I attend. I have started to get at least as much out of the back-channel as I do from the actual professional development experiences.…

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My Awesome Classroom Door

#edugood: A 365 Project http://www.flickr.com/groups/edugood/

#edugood: A 365 Project http://www.flickr.com/groups/edugood/

Participating in #etmooc has my brain bouncing from one great idea and challenge to another. One challenge that is resonating with me is the idea of accepting the responsibility of sharing and connecting more purposefully and deliberately with other educators more often, inspired by Dean Shareski.…

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Considering Issues and PLNs for Support #etmooc

I struggle with the issues of today’s education policies in the US. I know every teacher in my school is focused on our students’ learning. So all the negativity of “accountability”– degrades who they are, and they are wonderful teachers.

So I ask this:

Weather and Whether: education is more than tests; #etmooc from Sheri Edwards on Vimeo.…

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