syndicating 5358 posts from 517 #etmooc blogs

The Heart of Rock & Roll

Inspired to Keep Beating

I teach an 8-week computer and workforce development course at MCCC.  It is fueled by the American Recovery Reinvestment Act and the Workforce Investment Board – the intent is to preserve and create jobs as well as promote economic recovery. …

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MOOCs "Not a Course. It’s a Collaboration"

Terry Elliot, one of the participants in the Making Learning Connected MOOC #CLMOOC that started a couple of weeks ago posted an article today showing some of the people he’s connected with, including me. In the article he included a line saying “This is not a course, it is a collaboration.”…

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Learning Analytics: Aligning Course and Module Objectives

Faculty eCommons

This post is part of an on-going series that discusses how to gather learning analytics through course alignment.
In the first post of this series, we discuss how course alignment provides the most basic method for ……

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Proving MOOC Success: Feedback from Instructional Design for Mobile Learning (IDML)

Faculty eCommons

The Faculty eCommons recently wrapped up Instructional Design for Mobile Learning (IDML), a free, 4-week micro-MOOC in which participants explored principles, pedagogies, and tools for designing mobile instruction. IDML was delivered through Canvas Network.
IDML supported ……

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My Personal Theme Song for 30 Goals Challenge

Goal Nº 3: What’s Your Personal Theme Song?

“Music takes us out of the actual and whispers to us dim secrets that startle our wonder as to who we are, and for what, whence, and whereto.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson

Music plays an important role in my life, and how it affect my daily life.
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#etmooc #clmooc Week 3 Reflection #f5f

#clmooc Week 3 Reflections

How is what you create driven by your interests?

Since this is voluntary learning, it’s all based on interests; I have no preconception or grade to concern me. I love being inspired by those who jump in and share, so that I can piggyback on their ideas or find the spark that leads to my own creative work.…

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Tell me EVERYTHING about you: What’s next in #QuantifiedSelf?

Tell me EVERYTHING about you: What’s next in #QuantifiedSelf?:

…#clmooc reflection, interrupted. I’m guessing the Quantified Self, besides not having much privacy, may be less inclined to reflect and more restricted in opportunities. Can biometrics measure and identify a reflective state, if indeed the markers are uniform across the population?…

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Mapping Chicago Violence. Engaging Community.

Today’s Chicago Tribune devoted the front page and two full inside pages on a story showing the impact of shootings in Chicago. Included was an interactive map at that you can click on to understand the number of people shot in Chicago in the first six months of 2013 – 1,043.…

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We can learn something anywhere, anytime.

Sometimes I would just like to turn my teacher brain off.  Actually, I think my family would like this even more than I would.  Last night we took our kids to see the movie Monsters University.  Of all the kids’ movies I’ve seen trailers for lately, it wasn’t high on my list of movies I wanted to see, but we were supposed to go to day 2 of the Thunder Bay Blues Fest and there was an awful lot of rain so we headed to the movie instead.…

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Mixed Messages

I have been reading about this initiative on the WISE website about lifting the public image of education in Chile.  They are working on changing the perception of education in the public and increasing the image. It has got me thinking about the messages we send out, often without thinking, which impact on the public image.…

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syndicating 5358 posts from 517 #etmooc blogs