syndicating 5358 posts from 517 #etmooc blogs

Take Aways

Sadly this is the last week of ETMOOC.  I had fun and learned lots.  For my last “assignment” I wanted to create something that combined images, text, music and voice so I tried several new tools to do this – Prezi, Screencastomatic, voice memos on my phone and finally loaded the result to YouTube.…

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Digital Citizenship- A Timely Topic for Reflection

Reblogged from alisonsreflections:

Digital Citizenship has proven to be a very timely and relevant topic in my life. When I recently replayed the ETMOOC session on Digital Citizenship, I found it very interesting and pertinent. A few days after the session, I had planned to upgrade my Iphone and give my 13-year old, free-spirited, somewhat impulsive son my old Iphone.

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Open Learning Using ETMOOC


I have actually participated in a few open learning activities through a couple of different MOOCs but have not found time to blog about them since I am busy participating in them.  I am participating in the ETMOOC (Educational Technology & Media MOOC) and the Aboriginal Worldviews and Education MOOC through University of Toronto. …

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Be kind, rewind, make stuff, fun with friends

Growing up a VHS rewinder was more than a novelty, it was what kept my family’s video rental account in good standing by allowing us to avoid fees for video tapes returned in good standing. After all, going to the video store with my family or friends to rent Terminator 2 or Empire Strikes Back was a real, in-person expreience.…

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In different and seemingly unrelated courses, I ha…

In different and seemingly unrelated courses, I have been coming across these and related metaphors: Fantasy and Science Fiction, Introduction to philosophy as well as E-learning and Digital Culture. It's been a season of Utopias, dystopias, heterotopias, post and trans-humans.

Of course, as a literature major, I see metaphors everywhere and consider them the first line movers of of thought.…

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The Importance of Being Informed

I recently watched a video interview that included Tim Ferriss, of Four Hour Workweek Fame.  He was asked about what he has learned, and continues to learn, about writing.  I am a very mediocre writer, so I am constantly looking for active tips on how to become more effective when writing (and typing) my thoughts down.…

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Bono, the Pope, Pallotta, Poverty & Data

I apologize for another long post. However, I’m trying to tie several streams of thought together. I hope you’ll follow and add your own thinking.

Last Sunday I read an article in the Chicago Tribune titled “Pope wants more focus on poor.”…

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Our Fieldtrip to The Orchestra



We had a great trip to see the symphony.  The musicians were amazing and the conductor was very engaging.  As Andre put it, “He’s really funny!” Enjoy the pictures.  There’s a 20 second clip of the orchestra. Click on the link to listen.…

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The Dispossessed describes events on a alien moon and planet, the former occupied by banished anarchists, and the later inhabited by several Earth-like societies. The desert moon is rife with survival challenges, and bureaucratic structures to allocate resources (human and otherwise).…

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My learning journey with Classroom Suite by IntelliTools has been anything but boring!  In my last post I indicated I was looking up the PLO’s for the lesson I am planning.  Wowzers!  Looking them up was a challenge in itself!  So many outcomes to read through, so many pages of text, and what’s up with that silly database anyhow??!! …

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syndicating 5358 posts from 517 #etmooc blogs