syndicating 5358 posts from 517 #etmooc blogs

Sharing: Unlocking the Key to My Filing Cabinet and Keeping it Open … HOPE

Susan Spellman Cann has started our Hope file. I am reblogging this to share with you… and also to use as a model for sharing. Stay tuned as I can see a potential future for my blog. As well, if you have any ideas that you want to share please drop me a line and let me know.…

DownUp (No Ratings Yet)

where is my place? time passes, lines are etched roles and…

where is my place?

time passes, lines are etched
roles and responsibilities leave their mark
my place is there
is being there enough?
does my work contribute?

space expands, routes are traveled
decisions and queries forge a path
my place is there
is being there enough?…

DownUp (No Ratings Yet)

Verena Roberts Open Education Panel for Etmooc

Verena Roberts hosted an Open Education panel on Thursday that I watched live-stream with some of my co-workers. We missed the very beginning and end of the session, but it was still a great way to introduce them to the concept of open education and consider Google+ Hangouts could be used for webinars.…

DownUp (No Ratings Yet)

Replenish your teaching toolbox: 6 Tools for enhancing learning

Research suggest that students retain knowledge best when they are actively involved in the learning process. Multimedia, Web 2.0 and Social Networking tools enable student-to-student and student-to-content communication that can improve knowledge through rapid publication, personalization, content sharing and creation. Using these tools can help with enhancing learning in online courses.…

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MOOCs Disruptions: Episode Two


MOOCs Disruptions: Episode Two

On Mar 6, 2013, I posed the following question and received these responses from my #Etmooc colleagues.

As #etmooc winds down, and I have just begun to sprout my digital wings, do I get drawn back into the nether-land of ‘old school’ or do I keep flying up and out to Open??”

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Sharing: Unlocking the Key to My Filing Cabinet and Keeping it Open… HOPE


This blog is the beginning of me keeping my filing cabinet open. I have many resources I have wanted to share with school counsellors,but did not realize I could do it. This blog is how and the time is now thanks to the fantastic open sharing in ETMOOC and especially because of Alec Couros.…

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syndicating 5358 posts from 517 #etmooc blogs