syndicating 5358 posts from 517 #etmooc blogs

The Trouble with Globalization

I am almost finished week three of the current semester of study and am really struggling with some of it. It is all about globalisation.

I have spent a large proportion of the past few hours trying to work out the words to express my “critical review” of the readings and viewings for the week.…

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The Power of Collegial Discussion

As part of the planning team for the RE Eastern Network, we spent quite some time last week talking about the place of dialogue in Religious Education. Our first discussion was about what constituted dialogue. We talked about what dialogue IS and what it IS NOT.

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My Leadership Journey

One of the topics of #etmooc has been Digital Storytelling.  Telling stories through the use of pictures is a powerful way to share.  One of the Digital Storytelling assignments for #etmooc is to do a Five Card Flickr story.

For this story, you are given 5 photos to choose from.…

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#etmooc: A Midterm Review of Connectivity, Collaboration, and Learning

With massive open online courses (MOOCs) at the center of hype, overhype, and plenty of justifiable criticism, a midterm review of one—the highly interactive Educational Technology and Media MOOC (#etmooc, organized by University of Regina professor of educational technology and media Alec Couros and others)—shows what a well-designed and well-facilitated MOOC can offer to learners with the digital literacy skills required to benefit from them.…

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Spanish 20/30 (Mi Autobiografía projects) Digital Stories

In the spirit of creating Digital Stories (#etmooc), I had my Spanish 20/30 students create Digital stories for a classroom project.

The students were to share their story, an autobiography (Mi Autobiografia) from the start of their lives to the present day.…

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Digital stories (Testing……)

Topic 2 for #ETMOOC was all about Digital Storytelling. I learned a lot during the 2 week session and tried out a few tasks. I realized, that I can also integrate these tools in the classroom setting with my students.

To create a visual story, I used I Movie off the I pad.…

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Internet.. or is it digital Literacy – A great resource

Knight-Crane Convergence Lab - Flickr - Knight Foundation (2)By Knight Foundation (Knight-Crane Convergence Lab) [CC-BY-SA-2.0], via Wikimedia Commons

Today, I found a really cool website , we are on “digital literacy in #etmooc and I am a researcher by nature. I have found “Internet Literacy’s that I have to share: New Literacies of the Internet by

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You say "condition", I say "continuum."

So #etmchat today was interesting. I am still having problems getting past literacy being a “condition” rather than a “continuum” and it really boils down to semantics, which means…..we’re both right? You see, getting down to it linguistically condition has multiple meanings.

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Being blown up, up and away…



(photo given to me with permission from Steve Fines’ photography)

This picture depicts the way I feel: being blown away by hurricane force winds into a new realm of being.  I have been lifted up and away by strong winds into places I have never before contemplated. …

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syndicating 5358 posts from 517 #etmooc blogs