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Curated Learning Networks

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Re-entering #etmooc and re-orienting

Absent a while from #etmooc, I jumped back in yesterday with no apology for missing class. I took note of Rhoni McFarlane’s posting about her own absence. McFarlane explains in a blog post how she missed the digital storytelling topic in #etmooc.…

DownUp (No Ratings Yet)

“I wanna tell you a story”

I hope those (more mature?) UK residents for whom the title quote has meaning will forgive the reference to a long-lived and for many, well-loved English variety entertainer, Max Bygraves. But his catchphrase neatly encapsulated what entertainers need to do – to tell stories.…

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a scaffold of books

In utero, I had my first encounter with my Object of Learning. Sitting in a rocking chair that belonged to her mother before her, my mom would read aloud from her class notes, book propped up on her belly. These first intimate encounters with knowledge are lost to me, except in some dark and primal reaction to the sound of my mother’s voice, rhythmically following the cadence of an unknown author’s thoughts.…

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Introducing Genius Hour and Entrepreneurial Adventure!

I am very excited to be introducing my students to Genius Hour this week!  We are already participating in a special project called Entrepreneurial Adventure, run through the Learning Partnership. Because not all children were expressing interest in creating their own ventures, and I know that some ventures will need more and others less time to manage, I wanted something I could run parallel to the EA program.  …

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syndicating 5358 posts from 517 #etmooc blogs