syndicating 5358 posts from 517 #etmooc blogs

Digital Storytelling and Narratology

We’ve been experimenting with digital storytelling in #ETMOOC over the past two weeks, so I’ve been thinking about ways to incorporate them into my Latin courses.  Some closing thoughts, before we move on to digital literacy:

Today, I introduced the Latin IBs to Project 3, our digital story. …

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Alternative Accreditation & the MOOC

One of the longstanding questions around the MOOC movement is financial:  there is a great deal of venture capital locked up in Coursera, edX and Udacity, but none of these organizations have provided a methodology of ROI for its benefactors, choosing instead to focus on heartwarming anecdotes about the potential of global education (quick tangent — Aaron Bady has a great takedown of the MOOCmania over here, where he challenges Clay Shirky’s most recent article and pinpoints the MOOC hysteria as an easy mark, where MOOC can stand for any potential and the current system for all failings).  …

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A Digital Math Story

On Monday, at a 21st Century workshop, I learned about the SAMR, a model for the use of technology in the classroom.   But even before I saw this model, I had already decided that if I am going to be teaching with technology, I want to use the technology to teach differently.…

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Teaching about teaching

One way to achieve effective, evidence-based teaching and learning in higher education is train the next generation of university faculty, today’s graduate students. Then, year after year, a new wave of trained instructors will march into lecture halls around the world until every instructor-thru-professor has a practical and theoretical background in teaching and learning.…

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#etmooc – Digital storytelling, foto e gif animate

È venuto il momento di tirare fuori dal cassetto e condividere le narrazione che nel corso del tempo ho elaborato; nel farlo voglio ricordare anche il processo attraverso cui le ho realizzate.

Dopo la visita alla mostra La Natura secondo De Chirico –  (testo inglese qui) – allestita  al Palazzo delle Esposizioni a Roma nel 2010,  seguendo le indicazioni contenute nel Dossier pedagogico omonimo, uno strumento che «accompagna la visita e fornisce chiavi di interpretazione [… ] per comprendere i linguaggi dell’arte, i movimenti e i protagonisti» ho voluto cimentarmi in una delle attività proposte e per divertirmi ho realizzato il mio autoritratto con la tecnica del collage, utilizzando le immagini degli oggetti prescelti  recuperate in rete.…

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Beyond voice recognition: It’s the age of intelligent systems [Savitz]

Beyond voice recognition: It’s the age of intelligent systems – from by Eric Savitz; with thanks to Steve Knode ( for posting this on his recent newsletter


But the pace of innovation continues. Expect the current generation of virtual personal assistants to evolve into ubiquitous intelligent systems.…

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Why Rhizomatic Learning? Pt. 3 #etmooc

So does the rhizome bring anything to connectivism that it doesn’t already have? I don’t really know, but I do know that the rhizome helps me think about connectivism in ways that I otherwise find difficult. I also find rhizomatic thinking familiar and evocative for a teacher of writing and literature.…

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Second Life: Transforming the Way UT Arlington Engages Online Students

The College of Nursing at the University of Texas (UT) at Arlington is known for its innovative use of cutting edge technology, in both the classroom and clinical settings, to improve students’ experiences. As an integral part of their technology initiatives, UT Arlington incorporates Second Life into their online Nursing courses.…

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syndicating 5358 posts from 517 #etmooc blogs