syndicating 5358 posts from 517 #etmooc blogs

Gamify this!

I’ve collected a few of my favourite buzz words for 2012 and 2013 and made a silly comic strip. Its funny listening to people throw these words into as many conversations as possible or trying to coin their own phrases 🙂

and just in case you didn’t know…

MOOC – massive open online course

MOCC – first time I saw this one was today – mid-sized online closed course

COC – ok totally made this one up – closed online course

MOOL – made this one up a while back – massive open online learning

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Story Ideas

Alan Levine and his StoryIdeas

Try a Story Idea Prompt

So if you are stuck for ideas, here are some prompts:

  • What was your favorite childhood pet?
  • Where was your most memorable vacation?
  • What topic most inspired you in grade school?
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Digital Story Challenge continued… format 12 Goanimate

Go animate is an easy, free way to share info (and more interesting for students than reading type).
A reflection on the digital story challenge using go animate

bonus feature
My 7 year old watched me make my video this morning and then wanted to make one of his own:
My 7 year old’s story

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My Journey with New Media Art and Digital Storytelling

Topic #2 for etmooc is Digital Storytelling. In addition to creating digital stories, we were challenged to critically examine the definition of digital storytelling on Wikipedia. While I think the Wikipedia definition gets at some of the aspects and history of digital storytelling, some of my experiences with digital storytelling are missing.…

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6 Word Stories for Learning Content

6wordI’ve noticed that since I’ve begun learning from my online PLN, I like to tweak my own learning and adapt it to the classroom. Well, come to think of it,  that ‘s probably the whole point of #etmooc & PLNs. In this case, I decided to try using 6 word stories for kids learning content in social studies.…

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PD: What’s best for kids is what’s best for teachers. Both are learners.

We’ve all seen this scenario. Educators ‘sitting’ in a traditional PD session at a school doing what they’re ‘told’ to do. Heck, no one has asked them what they need, what they want to do or learn, or how they might want to go about achieving these things.

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The Spread of Learning Rhizomes

It would appear that the learning rhizomes are spreading uncontrollably—which, for any trainer-teacher-learner, is a wonderfully positive phenomenon.

etmoocHaving been introduced recently to what Dave Cormier calls rhizomatic learning—a connected learning process that mirrors the spreading of rhizomes so there is no center, just a wonderfully ever-expanding network of learning connections rooted in creation, collaboration, and the building of communities of learning—I now am seeing this connected learning phenomenon nearly everywhere I look.…

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Resources on rhizomatic learning

For anyone interested in rhizomatic learning, as discussed in my earlier blog posts (here, and here), you might also be interested in the following.

I recently came across this glossary entry for “rhizome,” via a tweet by George (@reticulatrix).…

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Towards Web-literacy and Transformative literacy

Literacy and Web-literacy

In anticipation for next week and for the discussions around literacy and web-literacy I think there are a few things I am thinking about both as a literacy teacher and an edtech person. Unfortunately this is going to roam into the realm of the academic banter on literacy.…

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syndicating 5358 posts from 517 #etmooc blogs