syndicating 5358 posts from 517 #etmooc blogs

Some Useful Twitter Resources


Twitter Resources

Based on Tuesday Jan. 15, 2013 #etmooc

( I wonder if you can legally change your name to include the “@” sign?? )

Twitter Manners :

100 ways to use Twitter in education:

Smarter Way to Share:

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Some Useful Sites for Bloggers

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Five Card Story

Five Card Story: Willpower

a #etmooc story created by mssanderson_ITS

flickr photo by ncaramanico

flickr photo by Henriksent

flickr photo by cogdogblog

flickr photo by mrsdkrebs

flickr photo by cogdogblog

Mmmmmmm… yum.

Can’t I just have one? Or twenty?

I’ll need to wear out my sneakers to work that off.…

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When Two Worlds Collide

Over the past week I have been battling the flu. Yes it was icky. But needless to say I have realized a few things in my fever induced state: One – the flu stinks, and Two – there is a world of possibilities just waiting to be discovered if only we had an open mind in which they could flourish.…

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Mapping a Network

Recently, I asked all of you a question, “What would you do as a Director of Blended Learning?

Immediately after the first response came in, I realized that I would need some way to aggregate all of the answers.…

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Outside My Door

Learning Reflections

Creating an Open Classroom

Outside My Door

#ceetopen Outside My Door / Where we Learn Group Video Project

Sheri Edwards used popcorn to add callouts to the video.

I shared my Take a Ride on the Canadian GIF that I created in ETMOOC:

The Canadian

And John Andrewartha shared the following video:

Sydney-Perth on the Indian Pacific Express train

Here is a wonderful Connected Learning Pic from Sheri Edwards Blog

Connected Learning

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Community-Sourced Project

The #ETMOOC lip dub inspired me to make a community-sourced Abbot School Pledge & Code of Conduct video. Staff were asked to submit a video recording of themselves reciting the pledge or code of conduct in a recent post and email.…

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Six Word Stories: A Few Ideas

I was introduced to the idea of the Six Word Story during the digital storytelling topic in #ETMOOC. For those who do not know, there is a legend that Ernest Hemingway once composed a six word story in order to win a bet.…

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syndicating 5358 posts from 517 #etmooc blogs