syndicating 5358 posts from 517 #etmooc blogs

Choose Your Own Adventure

Task 7 of the digital literacy topic asks participants to draw an object on a piece of paper and upload it to the Internet. The participant then asks a peer to draw a related object. This drawing is then passed on to another peer who draws another related object as so on until five images have been created.…

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Leadership Development through the Institute for Emerging Leadership in Online Learning (IELOL)

FREE INFORMATIONAL WEBINAR: February 13, 2013 – 1:00pm – 2:00pm ET Is your institution prepared with the necessary leadership to navigate the new higher education landscape? A wide range of internal and external forces are causing great excitement and disruption to business-as-usual in higher education.…

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Books, Donuts, & Me: A Love Story

When I’m on vacation, there are only two things I’m interested in:

1)  books

2)  food

Often, but not always, in that order.

Thus, for the two weeks in January that I spent vacationing in the Pacific Northwest, #etmooc and all other “real world” stuff got pushed to the back burner while I went in pursuit of two of my great loves…

A corset book, one of the many wondrous objects in the University of Washington’s Book Arts Collection.…

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Thinking about Rhizomatic Learning… In Music

I like to think before writing a post, and etmooc has given me much to think about over the past few weeks. Rather than quickly reflect and write about a concept I’ve been drifting laterally – thinking about these concepts and ideas and how they apply to me and my students.…

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I’m Still Here: ETMOOC Weeks 3 and 4 and EDCMOOC Week 3

I’m calling this a placeholder post. My teaching has taken priority as the term begins to heat up, so I haven’t been able to blog much about my #etmooc or #edcmooc reflections. I am still working through the material though, and equally important, keeping up with my blog reading.…

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The GIF and Digital Storytelling: Look and look again!

In keeping with the #ETMOOC topic of Digital Storytelling, I have spent a few days experimenting with apps and programs that help to tell a story or share an experience. However, as I start this blog, I find myself lacking digital stories I am able or willing to share.…

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syndicating 5358 posts from 517 #etmooc blogs