syndicating 5358 posts from 517 #etmooc blogs

My 5 Card Creation

Five Card Story: An Exciting #Etmooc Experience

a #etmooc story created by @EHordyskiLuong

flickr photo by cogdogblog

flickr photo by ncaramanico

flickr photo by Henriksent

flickr photo by cogdogblog

flickr photo by Henriksent

There was once a school counsellor from Calgary who decided that she wanted to explore a new world.

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What would you do as a Director of Blended Learning?

My learning network is invisible. At least it is to everyone but me. I see the connections I have made and know the level of depth our conversations represent. I have seen changes in learning spaces and whole systems shift because of the power of this invisible network.…

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Worse Than Prom Photos: Old Digital Stories

In his awesome book Net Smart, Howard Rheingold quotes danah boyd regarding digital footprints, saying:

So what embarrasses me online is not just content I wrote foolishly but also content that I wrote with the intention of it being public and persistent.

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Why Rhizomatic Learning? #etmooc

Okay, so I enjoyed the conversation about rhizomatic education over at Christina Hendricks’ blog, You’re the Teacher. In the conversation, I’m definitely championing rhizomatic, connectivist education, but why? I’ve been writing about this for a couple of years now, but can I state my point of view succinctly and reasonably clearly?…

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Verhaal digitaal vertellen #etmooc Digital Story telling

den haag centraalChevin writes … Its almost as if I’m putting together a story board, right.  A nice little screenplay or something, correct? …   She is right, digital storytelling starts with a story board with some  pictures.  Make a story when the pictures are there. 

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Should the [Publish] button be replaced by [Share] ?

Trying to catch up with the ETMOOC recordings and listening in on Dean Shareski’s session on Sharing=Accountability.   Much is resonating with me and I am seeing connections to my experience.  I think over the past few years I have accepted or found a need and interest in sharing what I learn.…

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Dare to Know and Compose Our Own Metaphors

Photo courtesy of Flickr user ::big daddy k::

This week, we are supposed to think about the power of metaphor in propagating a message of salvation or destruction about the future; what opening up education means to us, and the “Internet of Things”, when “the who” telling the story is not a “who”, but a thing that blogs, a blogject, and how its perspective circulates culture and carries ethical, social and political ramifications. 

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ETMOOC Beauty — digital storytelling from elementary to the techno-genies

The Digital Writing session with Darren Kuropatwa for #ETMOOCthis morning jolted me awake.  I was expecting a laid back session, not to find myself whisked into a virtual chat room for 5 minutes to review a blog prompt, record thoughts about it, then send those thoughtful musings to our moderator.
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Student Blogging a Year and a Half Later

Last year we introduced blogging in an attempt to better engage students in their learning. In early September, every grade 4, 5 and 6 student was set up with an account and away we went. Blogging, we thought, would provide one means to build many of the so called 21st century competencies being touted by the education ministry in our province.…

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syndicating 5358 posts from 517 #etmooc blogs