syndicating 5358 posts from 517 #etmooc blogs

Three Big Changes Ahead for Higher Education

Reblogged from online learning insights:

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“The world as we have created it is a process of our thinking. It cannot be changed without changing our thinking.”  Albert Einstein

A change of thinking is almost obligatory when considering the future of Higher Education.

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What Qualifies Best Teachers?

One of my pet peeves in the MOOC hype is the discussion of best teachers.  Whether it’s Thomas Friedman, Bill Gates, Sal Khan, or the fringes of the political spectrum (left and right), rhetoric regarding xMOOCs explicitly states that the structure will allow many people to take class offerings from the best teachers in the world.  …

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Reflection on Digital Storytelling

As I read through the materials for our next section, I’m excited by the possibilities. But I say this from a practical perspective more than anything else. 

This module gives me permission to experiment, to play with software and applications that I normally wouldn’t get a chance or find the time to use.
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Digital Storytelling – Six Word Story

The Six Word Short Story by Ernest Hemingway?


ETMOOC has assigned digital storytelling a la ds106. And the first challenge I am accepting is the Six Word Story which is based on this possible Hemingway story While mine can not compare to his kind eloquence here they are:

News organization belittles American male audience

Travelling with family, happily all survived

Suprisingl, Educational Technolgy is not IT

Digital storytelling is harder than it looks

High school escape the final countdown

When doves cry, let’ s go crazy (I was listening to Prince at the time)

Well that is all for now.…

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Educational Technology MOOC

Getting involved in the Educational Tech MOOC. Looks great, love to really get stuck into this – gonna be a test to see if I can make time for it. Love this style of learning.

I’m into creating online language learning experiences.…

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My Five Card Flickr Story: Summer Brownies

My five card flickr story: Summer Brownies

Photo credit: Henriksent

I’m excited to dive into the topic of Digital Storytelling with #etmooc for the next two weeks. I started yesterday with a #sixwordstory so today I thought I would try a 5 Card Flickr Story! Here’s my first attempt!…

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Walking the Talk

I think one of the reasons I joined etmooc was to force myself to “walk the talk.” I give workshops to teachers – one of which is on digital storytelling. I know about the power of story and encourage teachers to help their students to become more powerful storytellers.…

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syndicating 5358 posts from 517 #etmooc blogs