syndicating 5358 posts from 517 #etmooc blogs

The MOOC Paradox – Expecting External Motivation to Produce Internal Motivation

Reading John Gatto’s pioneering work Dumbing Us Down, and took to musing on one of the paragraphs, this one from Dan Greenberg, founder of Sudbury Valley School, who wanted to look at what students need from modern education in a modern economic, social and political landscape:

Children must grow up in an environment that stresses self-motivation and self-assessment.  

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How to respond to criticism and influence people

This is a post intended to cheerlead. To express appreciation for the example being sdet by the MOOC organisers, and to talk about how that example, in part, has a large determining influence on the MOOC experience. I apologise in advance for any gushing, typos, formatting weirdness, or weirdly wired thoughts.…

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Meet CATIE; Help CATIE Grow

At the independent K-8 school where I work, I recently helped initiate a group called CATIE: Conversations about Technology Integration in Education.

In our first few meetings, we have taken valuable steps. For one thing, we have a working  mission: to establish a learning community of educators who will discuss ways to leverage technology integration in support of the school’s mission, vision, and strategic plans.…

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Recursos para visibilizar nuestro aprendizaje, marcadores sociales

Hola queridos lectores, hoy no me encuentro muy bien pero voy a hacer un esfuerzo por hacer un post decente sobre algunas herramientas que nos pueden servir para organizar, visibilizar y compartir nuestros aprendizajes en línea.

En este caso son una serie de herramientas que en castellano vienen a denominarse de gestión de marcadores sociales, hay una infitud de ellas yo os voy a plantear solo algunas:

diigo como comenzar aquí (

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OER-101: Learn the Basics and Benefits of the Open Educational Resource

With the cost of textbooks and tuition on the rise, the necessity of incorporating Open Educational Resources (OERs) into curricula for all ages and all levels of education is undeniable. Do you struggle with finding high-quality OERs on the web or question whether or not certain resources are actually “open?”…

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Continua, Conversations, Content Delivery


Instructional delivery methods can still be a pretty divisive issue (sadly) and I’ve written before (as well as others) about the dualistic thinking that often clouds these discussions. Thus, it’s no small task for faculty developers to remain largely agnostic toward instructional delivery methods and associated technologies while facilitating productive discussions around best-practices.…

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What you share with the world…

As I’ve navigated the fast moving ETMOOC river these last days I’ve been focused on the idea of SHARING.  As we explore Connected Learning – Tools, Processes & Pedagogies the theme of sharing has been a big one.

Dean Shareski’s session on Sharing is Accountability (slideshare) contained a quote from Sue Waters that is important for us to consider when deciding what to share:

The idea of blogging as part of a constructivist MOOC is that you’re reflecting and sharing your learning.

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Connecting: Classroom Projects

I’ve always felt to was important to be aware of how others in the world live, work and play.  I remember having a pen pal, from Arizona, when I was in 3rd grade.  We’ve lost touch, but I’ll always remember discovering truths about Native Americans, seeing pictures of the different ecosystems and learning a little Spanish.…

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syndicating 5358 posts from 517 #etmooc blogs