syndicating 5358 posts from 517 #etmooc blogs

GOOGLE + HANGOUT on etmooc in CMC11

Last week I held a Google + Hangout for a MOOC that has been running since September 2011, Creativity and Multicultural Communication. Jim Stauffer joined me and we had a new MOOCer who was starting her engagement (and perhaps struggled a bit and yet, we managed to communicate on several different levels).
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Get ready to MOOC

Let’s get some vocabulary straight first.


MOOC stands for Massive Online Open Course.

Massive” stands for the scale, a MOOC is open to an indefinite amount of students, and that can mean a positively huge amount. At this point the number of students registered for the EDCMOOC has reached the 36 000 mark, and counting.…

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The School of Fear

fear  “If the triangles made a god, they would give him three sides” · Charles de Montesquieu

When we build something new, it is often the sleight-of-hand change of innovation that it is much an iteration than an innovation. A faster car is in itself not innovate, how it gets faster might be innovate, whereas a flying car is definitely innovative.…

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Hooked on Twitter

How to find who to follow

I first started using Tweeter at conferences.  I’d follow the Hashtag for the conference and liked reading others’ Tweets on sessions.  I was a lurker for sure.  Eventually colleagues of mine started Tweeting. I followed them, but never signed into see what was happening. …

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By: Lorraine Boulos

Hello Ianin,
I loved your Empressr presentation.
It feels strangle, and intimidating for me, being a part of this MOOC with so many people who have so much more tech experience than I do myself. But when I watched your presentation, I realized that while I don’t nearly possess your skills or experience, I do share your questions!…

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Best Practices for Teaching with Emerging Technology by Michelle Pacansky-Brock

Michelle Pacansky-Brock is a college educator who is passionate about the potentials of teaching with web 2.0 tools both in the classroom and online. In 2007  Michelle was the recipient of the Sloan-C Excellence Award in online teaching and the NISOD Award for teaching excellent.…

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APA Style Guide from UVic or How to make a PDF pin-able on Pinterest

I’m wondering if these images will be pin-able.  Wasn’t quite sure how to make them all one jpeg document.  Anyone else out there have ideas on how to do this more easily?  I saved the PDF from the web, then saved it again as a jpeg, then uploaded it here.…

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Coalesced Connections at #etmooc

Overwhelmed. Learning. Connecting. Contributing. Moving forward. However, Ben Wilkoff reminds us that: Please join this vialogue with Ben’s vlog, “Mutually Beneficial Friction: How We Stop Skimming The Surface Of Ideas” which includes an excerpt from Rodd Lucier’s socialcam post, “Like Spokes on a Wheel.”…

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Taking the leap

I read these inspiring words from a Fresh Minds Matter photo. It speaks to how I am feeling right now as I write my first ever blog post! :) “Sometimes the smallest step in the right direction ends up being the biggest step of your life.…

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#etmooc: In the beginning …

Intrigued by the potential and keen to explore a cMOOC, I signed up for #etmooc quite early. I undertook the preparatory steps in advance of the first week, ensuring my blog could be hooked in to the network, joining the etmooc Google community, posting a brief into.,…

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syndicating 5358 posts from 517 #etmooc blogs