syndicating 5358 posts from 517 #etmooc blogs

Some dude not getting paid, doing it for his cousins



Prompted by a recent talk I attended by the brilliant Punya Mishra, I re-watched this 2011 Charlie Rose interview with Sal Khan. It was well worth the price of admission just to hear Punya’s point on the disconnect between the higher order skills Khan employs to create his videos (e.g.,…

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Teaching English vs Teaching English to pass Exams

Judith Mader investigates the differences between teaching English itself, and teaching for the purposes of passing an exam
Hosted by Cambridge English teacher
“How many of these words do you associate with exams?”
Fun – relaxed – motivated – interesting – varied – interactive
She stated a difference between teaching for real life and teaching for exams and how to reconcile the two of them.
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Anatomy of A Simple Course Intro Video


“Big ideas” and essential questions for your course (see Understanding by Design). Patience and discipline to do step #1 first and do it well… really. An instructor with a rough script of how they want to convey the big ideas for their course (it doesn’t hurt to have a quirky/snarky […]

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4G – May 10th, 2012

On May 10th, 2012 over 200 grade 5 and grade 6 girls from five Lester B. Pearson School Board schools (Birchwood Elementary, Maple Grove Elementary, Mount Pleasant Elementary, Sunshine Academy, and Terry Fox Elementary) headed down to McGill University for a fantastic event. 
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Vodcasts: what are they good for?

 Vodcasts: What are they good for?

This project was for the second module of my MSc in Multimedia and Elearning: Introduction to Action Research.  It was a difficult module to get started on. In fact, I spent every weekend of the first two months intending to start work but just ending up with a very tidy house and garden!   

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HAPPINESS is the key to success?! Or is it the other way around? (TED talk by Shawn Achor)

 by Shawn Achor  
(12 minutes; watchworthy; setup is 2:45 then it takes off; positive psychology; brain-focused; at about 10:00 good stuff)

This makes sense when you think about it. We operate under the idea that success leads to happiness and we teach it to our kids–if you work harder you’ll be successful and THEN you’ll be happy.…

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Socratic Circles: The Circle of Life–at school!

Held my FIRST Socratic Circle about plastics (#1-7) and our abundant reliance on and use of #1 water bottles– with my 6th graders. We read text, marked it, and did inner and outer circle.  It was my FIRST time to use Socratic Circles I am shocked and embarrassed to say after only 17 years!
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syndicating 5358 posts from 517 #etmooc blogs