‘Wasted Investment? Why do so many teachers leave the profession in the first 5 years?’

This post is a response to the 3rd #blogsync topic of ‘Wasted Investment? Why do so many teachers leave the profession in the first 5 years?’

To see all other posts on this topic go to http://share.edutronic.net/

The question for me encompasses many things, but I think the crux of it is alludeed to by the blogsync question itself, and can be summed up by: “the way people enter the profession.”…

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Hacktivity Kits != Event Agenda, but they sure are close…

In an ongoing effort to make Hacktivity Kits as useful as possible, I thought I would explain (quickly) what they are and how to use them. They are designed to be the “meaty” part of any Webmaker event. The kits contain the Big Picture, an overview with learning objectives and stuff about how you might assess someones learning.…

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Got a Minute? Connected Learning

In a follow up comment to my blog post, Open Movement, didn’t know it“, I replied to Christina Hendricks comment. “Thank you Christina, “Thanks for your comments. You keep me writing. It’s wierd, it only takes one comment and I’m inspired.”

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One pitfall for learner data from Open Education

If on campus university courses would have the drop-out rate of Moocs they would be considered an utter failure. There are of course a lot of valid reasons why you would expect the amount of drop-outs to be way higher in a MOOC then in an on campus course but still the drop-out is impressive.…

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Open Education Week and the Open Movement: A Tribute

In writing recently about concepts of time, collaboration, and learning, I could have sought formal publication with payment and traditional copyright protections as I’ve done for some of the other writing I have completed on my own and with colleagues.

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Just an Update

Oh Snap, it’s been a month!? My, oh my how the time flies. I won’t make excuses for myself, I’ll just tell you what’s going on in my world. There’s a lot of stuff, and there’s no way I can cover all of it in my scribble of reflections, so if you are looking for more information, comment or contact me!…

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Openly Meandering and Learning During Open Education Week

A little exposure to openness can carry us a very, very long way, as I’m learning through my Open Education Week meanderings.

Open_Education_Week_2013_LogoInitially inspired to engage in Open Education Week ruminations and activities through my current immersion in #etmooc—an online Educational Technology & Media massive open online course (MOOC) developed by Alec Couros and colleagues—I am now finding myself nearly overwhelmed by how the current open movement module of the course is inspiring me to see rhizomatically-extending roots and shoots of “open” nearly everywhere I look.…

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Different approaches to ratio

Today I have taught two lessons on Ratio, both were very different, but both went well. The first lesson was to a very able year 7 class. It was a long lesson (75 minutes) and we got a lot done. At the start of the lesson not everyone knew what a ratio was, but by the end they could all write ratios, work out ratios from pictures, split amounts into two part ratios and the majority of the class could split them into three part ratios.…

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Sharing: Unlocking the Key to My Filing Cabinet and Keeping it Open… HOPE


This blog is the beginning of me keeping my filing cabinet open. I have many resources I have wanted to share with school counsellors,but did not realize I could do it. This blog is how and the time is now thanks to the fantastic open sharing in ETMOOC and especially because of Alec Couros.…

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