Observations on ETMOOC Week 1 – People, Processes and Stuff

For a few years now I have been following the annual Horizon Report.

The internationally recognized New Media Consortium (NMC) Horizon Report is a comprehensive research venture established in 2002 that identifies and describes emerging technologies likely to have a large impact over the coming five years in education around the globe.…

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In the opening session of #etmooc, there was some discussion around why a PLN instead of LMS.  There were some interesting points brought up, such as each participant having their own space and their own control.  This graphic caught my attention though:


Clearly it is meant to show how PLN is superior to CMS in terms of learning network size. …

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Joining #etmooc to Connect and Learn

I finally took the plunge and joined #etmooc! I have been watching the course grow and evolve online for a few years now but I had never actually jumped in and signed up. I was always worried that I didn’t have the time (still a bit worried about that) but after successfully completing my first MOOC in 2012, I feel like it’s time to give this a try.…

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I have recently taken the leap and joined a MOOC (Massive Online Open Course). ETMOOC (Educational Technology and Media) is a connectivist MOOC loosely tied around this website

Is it for credit? Is it something an administrator is heading? No.

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IICT2 and #etmooc

It’s just a coincidence that the online course that I teach, Integration of Information and Computer Technology Part 2 offered through ETFO AQ, an additional qualification course for Ontario Teachers, and #etmooc, the Educational Technology and Media Massive Online Course, commence on the same day.…

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IICT2 and #etmooc

It’s just a coincidence that the online course that I teach, Integration of Information and Computer Technology Part 2 offered through ETFO AQ, an additional qualification course for Ontario Teachers, and #etmooc, the Educational Technology and Media Massive Online Course, commence on the same day.…

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My first #etmooc experience… here we go!


I’ve mentioned previously that I worked with a number of colleagues developing a technology catalyst team last year.  Our primary goal was to use technology in a meaningful way, to foster engagement while reaching outcomes but also, teaching students about digital fluency and their role in achieving it. …

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#etmooc Introduction Task

Our first task (other than getting organised!) for ETMOOC is to create a video/slideshow introduction to ourselves. I decided to use the app videoscribe to create mine with a tagxedo word cloud included as well. I have used this app to make clips for staff meetings and our 5/6 students have also used it – very simple and quite effective.

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What to do with Demotivated Young Learners – an #ELTChat summary

I have always wanted to write one of these summaries for the selfish reason that I was certain that this is the best way to have a really good grasp of the width and depth of the conversation. 140-character, abbreviations-ridden tweets fired at an amazing speed always left me feeling somewhat slow.…

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WAC 3: Writing to Connect

I said in an earlier post that the first objective of a writing across the curriculum program is “to enable students to learn more and better.” In this mode, students are using writing as a tool for mapping knowledge networks both in their own minds and in the world about them.…

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