Playing with Prezi – The Plan for Learning

The Learning Plan for my EDCI 515 course through UVic Masters of Ed.  I will credit and thank S. Johnson for recognizing the researcher trait and the sharing tendency in me and inviting me on this journey with her.

With some help from Valerie Irvine and the #etmooc Blackboard session and some really great blogposts from Howard RheingoldRobin Good, and Beth Kanter, I feel like I’m on my way.…

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And now for something a little different…

Over the last year, I have been doing some serious soul searching.  One thing I’ve learned is to try to find joy even in situations that cause me anxiety.  I’m doing my Masters in Education through the University of Victoria, two courses this semester, one which requires me to participate in ETMOOC and one which requires some really great reading.  …

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APA Style Guide from UVic or How to make a PDF pin-able on Pinterest

I’m wondering if these images will be pin-able.  Wasn’t quite sure how to make them all one jpeg document.  Anyone else out there have ideas on how to do this more easily?  I saved the PDF from the web, then saved it again as a jpeg, then uploaded it here.…

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Sharing and Inspiring

Sue Waters’ Learning Through Blogging post got me thinking about the purpose of bloggging.  There has been some discussion going on around me about this, since three of my colleagues and I are participating in the #etmooc and blogging through EDCI515 with @_valeriei.  …

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Twitter and blogging

Correct me if I’m wrong but isn’t social networking and following blogs like being at a party or conference.  When you walk into a place where you know no one, how do you decide who to connect with?  Do you choose the person wearing your favourite colour?  …

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What is this I’m feeling?!

Managing fear can be tricky, especially when doing it in a group.

Going into the EDCI515 (#edci515) and the collaborative online learning experience (#etmooc), what I recognize in myself is a health dose of fear mixed with an uncertainty in my own abilities and an excitement that I’m on the cusp of something new.  …

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Hello world!

Welcome to edtech @ UVIC Sites.

Today really is day one, although I’ve attempted blogging before.  I’m excited about #edci515, #etmooc and all things learning.

Opening yourself up to being in an open online learning experience is scary but if I let go, I know it will reap amazing rewards!…

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