syndicating 5358 posts from 517 #etmooc blogs

My Cute, Cuddly, Crayola Memoir

When I was five, my grandfather bought me one of those Crayola crayon boxes with the built in sharpener on the back. One little girl in my class was jealous, and she plotted revenge and set me up! I had four aquamarines, lots of hot magentas; lemon yellows in triplicates, a pair of midnight blues, and possibly various peaches, pinks and tans for coloring human faces on the coloring dittos used to sedate us.
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Lessons for a New School Counsellor … an ongoing dialogue for this school year

As I spend time in Japan this year, I have made an opening for a brand new counsellor to work at Bishop Carroll. I have also left behind a dear friend who is going to make sure that “the new guy” has a fantastic first experience.…

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Designing an Online Course that Mimics Face-to-Face Interactions

Faculty eCommons

“People…seem to feel that an online environment may somehow be less personal and interactive than [in] a classroom.”

Identified by Dr. Beth Mancini in the video below, this sentiment is common among instructors designing an online ……

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Event report: International Conference on Using New Technologies for Inclusive Learning

Yesterday was a ‘first time day’ as I attend my first accessibility conference. The International Conference on Using New Technologies for Inclusive Learning Conference was held at Glasgow Caladonian University and had been organised as part of ENABLE project.

After the keynote the conference was split into 2 halves with themed sessions running in parallel with each other.…

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Event report: International Conference on Using New Technologies for Inclusive Learning

Yesterday was a ‘first time day’ as I attend my first accessibility conference. The International Conference on Using New Technologies for Inclusive Learning Conference was held at Glasgow Caladonian University and had been organised as part of ENABLE project.

After the keynote the conference was split into 2 halves with themed sessions running in parallel with each other.…

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“Frainge Days Indeed!”

Last night after I got tattooed, I wrote my first post for #ds106 and was thrilled to find my first comment was from Alan Levine, who is really not our teacher …no one heads the course…but there are some very present masterminds behind all of this experimental DIY learning!
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Why I am Headless this fall

Yesterday I posted about Design Thinking Action Lab on the last day of that particular course. I didn’t get as much out of it as I had hoped. However, I have enormously high expectations of Headless DS106. Why? Because I’ve been mucking about on the sidelines of DS106 even before I took ETMOOC.…

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The Girl With the ds106 Tattoo: Application for Cult Membership!

Descarada or descarado! In Spanish, literally translated this means faceless; figuratively it connotes shamelessness, boldness! If ds106 has gone headless, no “teach” to tell us what to do, and no face with a pair of eyes to stare into, then we’re all a bunch of descarados… defiant, uninhibited, and courageous in our creative attempts!…

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Design Thinking Action Lab

Well I enrolled in Design Thinking Action Lab offered by NovoEd (the new name for Stanford’s Venture Lab) thinking it would be a similar experience to Designing in New Learning Environments (DNLE) which was the first MOOC I ever loved and led me to really immerse myself in the MOOC universe.…

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syndicating 5358 posts from 517 #etmooc blogs