syndicating 5358 posts from 517 #etmooc blogs

Using Piktochart

I have mixed feelings about Piktochart. I like that it was easy to sign up with a Google account. As a free user there are not a lot of themed pages for you to access (just seven) and you have to move to a pro account to get access to more.…

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Art and Design: Behance your students employability skills

Behance in an on-line portfolio and job site for artists and designers.

As well as uploading their work students can search the site for inspiration, follow their favourite artists and designers, show their appreciation by liking a post and leave and receive comments about theirs and others work.…

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Empathy Map – Stake Holder – College Student

Week 2: Assignment

1. Prepare for the empathy work.
2. Go out and talk to people. 
Your goal is to find out as much as you can about the other person’s experience related to the school-to-work transition. Explore what his/her experiences have been in the past, how he/she felt during key events (for instance, job interview, first day of work, etc.),
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Liquid Networks and the Adjacent Possible

At ISTE this past June, I picked up Steven Johnson’s Where Good Ideas Come From (reading notes here) and, after his fantastic keynote address, looked forward to reading it. After just finishing it, the book didn’t disappoint, leaving me with quite a bit to think about on the verge of beginning a new academic year.…

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Hashtag Seminars

So we’ve been building a new digital humanities tool “Huma Bird Project” and we used it to analyse the #digped hybrid pedagogy chat on twitter

It shows some interesting possibilities for analysis

  1. Do people naturally get locked in to conversations (perhaps @ mentions favour # tweets)?
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syndicating 5358 posts from 517 #etmooc blogs