syndicating 5358 posts from 517 #etmooc blogs

Event Report: White Rose Learning Technologists’ Forum March 2013

Last week I attended my first meeting of the White Rose Learning Technologists’ Forum (WRLT) which was hosted by two of the learning technologists at the University of Leeds. The event was really interesting as the hosts Kristen Thomas and James Little created an Easter themed treasure to demonstrated the use of augmented reality app, Aurasmus.…

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SITE 2013: AP’s Tools and Resources for Extraordinary Courses

Academic Partnerships (AP) presented at this year’s conference for the Society of Information Technology and Teacher Education (SITE), which was held in New Orleans, LA. SITE promotes the development and dissemination of theoretical knowledge, conceptual ……

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Thank you ETMOOC, I Need To Connect

Wow, I miss you already. I am so surprised, I have been so upset that I have had no time to blog and stay connected with a new job in social media. I am doing what I love doing for myself for others and well.…

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Digital Citizenship: Shouldn’t It Begin in Preschool?

I subscribe to a parenting website and receive weekly email alerts about developmental milestones and topics relevant to my child’s age. Recently, I read a post: Your 3 3/4-year-old: Computer Ready?

Perhaps, it’s my profession, or better yet, maybe, it’s my experiences and the topics presented during #ETMOOC that had me scratching my head and pondering some of the statements.…

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Making, Curating and Sharing Resources

Last year I started the /Teach wiki and filled it with a bunch of links out to resources, curriculum, descriptions and other useful tidbits of content designed to support the teaching of digital literacies and spread all over the web. The wiki became my own personal dumping ground to save resources authored by the budding Webmaker community.…

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Worth Reading – Nipper’s Generations of Distance Education (1989)

If Anant Agarwal can walk around the Harvard/MIT Summit of Higher Education with a cognitive science paper written in 1972, I can herald the work of Soren Nipper and his generational view of distance education.  The difference being, Nipper’s work is seminal in the history of distance education, and the piece is both critical of lackadaisical pedagogy as well as cautious of, as he calls it, computer conferencing without accounting for the numerous variables inherent in learning.…

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Chromebooks and Word Processing

I finally picked up a Samsung Series 3 Chromebook, which I’ve had my eye on since I had the chance to work with one at the Boulder GAFE Summit last August (cf. my notes taken on a Chromebook).  I’m a big fan of Google Apps and have transitioned the majority of my work into my Drive account, so it’s certainly a sensible purchase.…

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The end of ETMOOC coincided with the start of finals week and the beginning of spring break. My MO was to grade, grade, grade, and get outside! My Spring Break 2013 was filled with a gorgeous powder day, long miles on the mountain bike and road bike with friends, and lovely days in the garden.…

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Reflecting on My Experience in ETMOOC

             Launching into my first Massive Open Online Course, I truly did not know what to expect.  My primary learning experiences have been, for the most part, pedagogically structured, and it is only recently that I have participated in student directed learning.   …

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syndicating 5358 posts from 517 #etmooc blogs