syndicating 5358 posts from 517 #etmooc blogs

The Professors’ Big Stage [Friedman]

The Professors’ Big Stage – op-ed from the New York Times by Thomas Friedman


I just spent the last two days at a great conference convened by M.I.T. and Harvard on “Online Learning and the Future of Residential Education” — a k a “How can colleges charge $50,000 a year if my kid can learn it all free from massive open online courses?”…

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What is the value of the help for teachers?

spomocnik_BBmIn my memoirs here I already mentioned that we are running the web service called Teachers’ Helper providing technology oriented information for Czech teachers beginning 1997. After the refusal of the assistance from the Ministry of Education in 1995 and transfer of the service to my private web (BoBr’s Helper) this work finally became an official part of my full time job at the Department of Information Technology, Charles University Prague, Faculty of Education.…

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Moments, Short and Long: #etmooc, Artistry, and Expansive Conversations

“Expansive” is a word that comes to mind for anyone learning in a well-designed massive open online course (MOOC).

etmoocIt’s a safe assumption that this type of learning fosters an expansive, collaborative community of learning; in #etmooc (the Educational Technology and Media MOOC that Alec Couros and others are currently offering through March 2013), for example, we have more than 1,600 colleagues from a variety of countries.

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Exploring….very quickly.

Every since I owned an Apple computer I loved learning the applications. With a little exploring, research and experimentation they could make you look like a computer genius.  I could create projects that looked almost professional and I could teach the students as well. …

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The Digital Story in Music

Photo Credit: lachicadelfagot via Compfight cc

At first I didn’t get digital story telling. Not that I didn’t understand how it could be useful in a regular classroom setting, but how I could use it within a music classroom – specifically a performance class.…

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Massive (and Not-So-Massive) Open Online Courses: Libraries as Learning Centers

Completely immersed in #etmooc (the Educational Technology and Media massive open online course) with more than 1,600 other learners from several different countries since early February, I have just received a lovely reminder that we make a mistake by not paying attention to what is happening in our own learning backyards.…

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Our Right to Forget and Be Forgotten

By Giulia Forsythe

By Giulia Forsythe

I watched the last ETMOOC Topic 3 Digital Literacy – Information, Memes & Attention webinar “Who Owns Your Education Data? (and Why does it matter?) by Audrey Watters last night. Audrey opened the session by saying that she hoped to drop a few ‘THOUGHT BOMBS‘ in our heads about who owns our data.…

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Spanish 20/30 Zoológico projects

After having studied the unit on Los Animales, my Spanish 20/30 students worked on creating a Zoologico en Espanol. The students had the choice to produce their zoológico in the following format:

A Poster, Animoto and Movie Maker

The work had to include the following while using the Spanish Language.…

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Lip Dub Experience in Grade 4

At the beginning of the school year, a teacher expressed to me that she had heard a very inspirational song and would love to have her class do something with it. Maybe, it could be used in a slideshow or some kind of presentation at a school assembly?…

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syndicating 5358 posts from 517 #etmooc blogs