syndicating 5358 posts from 517 #etmooc blogs

Applying what we learned in MultiMOOC in EVO 2013 to Writingmatrix

A few years ago, Vance Stevens coordinated Nelba Quintana and Rita Zeinstejer in Argentina, Doris Molero in Venezuela, and Sasa Sirk in Slovenia in a global project to put student writers in touch with each other through blogging, by tagging their posts ‘writingmatrix’.…

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A MOOC by another name

cc licensed ( BY ) flickr photo shared by Cikgu Brian

Last October I posted some criticisms of moocs (massive, open, online courses) in humanities as too massive to really deal well with promoting critical skills in learners.  Recent experience has made me change my mind, but it’s going to take two blog posts to explain.

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To blog or not to blog!

Blogging may seem like too much work. At least that’s what I hear from most people in my life-’where do you find the time?’ It kind of becomes cathartic when your day has been fraught with tech issues. computers that don’t work, not enough computers for everyone who needs them, internet that works in one room but not another, software that has to be uninstalled and reinstalled before it works as it should, not having the pword to update software and no IT person available that has the pwords or the clearance to do it.…

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Guided Access on an iPad

We posted a video yesterday about how to set up guided access on iOS devices. I figured some viewers would immediately figure it out and no other explanation would be needed. If you have worked in educational technology you probably immediately see the potential for this feature.…

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Guided Access on an iPad

We posted a video yesterday about how to set up guided access on iOS devices. I figured some viewers would immediately figure it out and no other explanation would be needed. If you have worked in educational technology you probably immediately see the potential for this feature.…

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Digital Apocalypse

Jim Groom opened kicked down a door at the end of 2010.  DS106 was the apo kalupsis which tore away the veil that had concealed the sumptuously rich, and often darkly funny nature of digital storytelling from my perception.  Prior to yanking the covering from my eyes, video documentary was all I could imagine when I heard the term. …

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10 Ways to Help Online Learners Succeed



Taken from: The Ontario Online Learning Portal for Faculty & Instructors

These are very useful tips. I have bolded the tips which I currently use in my courses.

10 Ways to Help Online Learners Succeed

Based on a combination of studies, especially those which use neuroscience and mapping of brain functions and cognitive load, here are ten specific things which we can do as instructors and course designers to improve the learning outcomes from students studying online.…

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Digital Literacy Definitions Are Neither True Nor False…

Words can be slippery.

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New Tools/Applications I’ve Learned

I have found that I have become much more app centric when it has come to participating in the etmooc community. My rhizomatic learning has given me the following tools I wanted to share:

Google Plus – yes, I had it but I actually like I more than twitter.…

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syndicating 5358 posts from 517 #etmooc blogs