syndicating 5358 posts from 517 #etmooc blogs

My World: First Digital Story

So it took me quite some time to figure out what I wanted to do my first Digital Story on. And after much thought – I said to myself: “Self, why not do it about your world”. And the more I started contemplating this thought – the more I tried to define what My World meant.…

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Learning in the Open: Networked Student Identities

This weekend, I gave a short presentation at a great little student conference hosted here at UPEI: Difficult Dialogues: Exploring Relationships Between Identities and Power.

(When I say “short” I mean I was still talking when the poor timekeeper started waving the STOP sign in front of my face: it’s been awhile since I tried to encapsulate ideas into fifteen minutes.)…

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Take 1 of digital story Project #2

Week 1 of digital storytelling for #etmooc, and you don’t get many more stories than when you ride across Europe on a motorbike.  I went to Greece last year on my ‘big’ bike, and this year I will be going on my little Yamaha Serow

In this second storytelling project, I used Popcorn remix with a little bit of Explain Everything as an example of what I could do with the audio, video and images I collect from the trip.…

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Why Rhizomatic Learning, Pt. 2 #etmooc

In my last post, I said that networking is the lens through which I see most everything, or at least I try. I confess that I still have some old habits of mind, mostly that I’m unaware of, but when brought to mind, I do try to address them.…

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Rhizomatic Learning – too cool for school?

It doesn’t usually take me this long to get down to writing a post, but reflecting on the Rhizomatic Learning (RL) session with Dave Cormier has had me stumped … as indeed it did Dave. It’s not that it’s a particularly difficult idea, making as it does a metaphorical link with the way certain plants […]

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Take 1 of 1

This week in #etmooc we are looking at digital storytelling and I have had a couple of ideas which are both in the early stages of production. (I have another week to finish them off)

This first one started out with a photograph of a living statue street performer which my granddaughter took while we were shopping in Manchester on Saturday.…

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I am Rudy

The Past

Dominican Face

I was born in Salcedo, Dominican Republic in 1984 and came here illegally when I was 4 years old. I grew up in Queens, NY and was a product of the public school system of NYC. After 17 years, I received a permanent residency and at the age of 18 received a Full Tuition scholarship to Wheaton College, MA.…

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My Weekend with a Samsung ChromeBook (5 series)

Have you heard about the new Google ChromeBooks? chromebook They are new, affordable, lightweight, smaller laptops that are made by manufacturers like Samsung and Acer, and run a browser-based Operating system called “Chrome OS”.  They are super simple, and are a “network” based laptop, in that most of their functionality exists on the internet.  …

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SEGAN Webinar on Learning Transfer through Games

I am part of the SEGAN Serious Games Network, an EU financed initiative, at

We organise regular webinars around the subject of games in learning. The next is on Monday 11th February 2013 at 1800 CET and will be led by Gearoid OSuilleabhain, of the Department of Education Development of the Cork Institute of Technology.…

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syndicating 5358 posts from 517 #etmooc blogs