syndicating 5358 posts from 517 #etmooc blogs

A Taste of Tonight’s #etmchat Experience

View as slideshow Bryan Jackson@bryanjack 22 Rules for Storytelling from the folks at Pixar… #etmooc Wed, Feb 06 2013 13:09:53 · Original link ReplyRetweetFavorite RT @debbiefuco: Another version of Pixar’s story telling advice #etmchat #etmooc Sheri Edwards · … Continue reading

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Breaking Digital Illiteracy

I am intrigued by the concept of digital literacy. Well, I guess it’s not a new concept – we just have easier access to tools for both creating and sharing. There’s really no excuse for not taking advantage of these tools, either… so why do I still consider myself digitally illiterate?…

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Commenting, Part I

I wanted to respond to Sue Waters’ queries:

  1. Has commenting helped your learning?  Yes or No?  Why?
  2. What advice would you give others on commenting?
  3. What else could we do to improve the process?
First, in response to the third question, I would say that there’s really nothing more that you all can do.
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To Be or Not to Bedazzled: What Comes First- the Story or the Tool?

While on my nightly scroll through Tumblr I chanced upon this:


I must say it got my  princess hormones all a flutter.

But then I started wondering…would it perform the same way? What if it was impossible to clean? Would people visit my kitchen just to see it?…

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Animated Gif’s are Fun!

Well, I guess I need to increase my twitter followers. In asking a question about animated gif maker’s, not much response, but no worries, I found myself on a great journey. Don’t get me wrong, I love gimp and photoshop but I knew some application must have already been created to help me with this goal.…

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Let’s Find Out!

I recently read the following comment by Ms. Edwards on Denise Krebs’ post Connected Learning, Thanks to My Neighbors as Denise was contemplating self-determined or rhizomatic learning:

“I think you show part of self-determined learning when you say ‘I don’t know yet.’

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Rhizomes vs. Games

I finally had the chance to do some catching up in #etmooc and watch David Cormier’s session on rhizomatic learning. Lately I’ve also been doing a lot of reading on gamification and educational games, and it struck me that these are two completely opposing approaches to teaching.…

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syndicating 5358 posts from 517 #etmooc blogs