Our Chemical Selves: The Biology of Connectivism

 Connectivist Learning: course Prerequisites: 

your own device, internet connection, oxytocin and adrenaline

This is my last post before the edcMOOC course starts tomorrow. Through this blog, I’ve been living out the connectivist experience of not one, but two MOOCS, both which are experimental in the connectivist “genre”.
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How EDC MOOC became a cMOOC before it even began

A few months ago, I stumbled upon MOOCs. Immediately, I was hooked. I found Coursera, was intrigued by the EDC-MOOC course description and signed up in seconds flat. In November, I notice a rapid growth of Twitter followers. Surprised, I investigate and lo and behold, the new tweeps were course mates in this MOOC I had almost forgotten about.
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kgitch on #etmooc week two


After a few days disconnected, (though keeping track of the “Bill of Rights” drama and reading #etmooc blogs), these are my reflections on this past week.

#etmooc Blackboard Cheers!

I am thrilled to see people learning to blog and use Twitter.  …

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Etmooc, edcmooc, moocs,moocs and more moocs

Well I’m very happy to discover that I can use the WordPress app offline as I’ve just had to turn off the router due to the loud thunder and lightening. It’s probably time to put away the technology for today but I decided to grab a moment and update my blog.…

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Etmooc, edcmooc, moocs,moocs and more moocs

Well I’m very happy to discover that I can use the WordPress app offline as I’ve just had to turn off the router due to the loud thunder and lightening. It’s probably time to put away the technology for today but I decided to grab a moment and update my blog.…

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Enacting digital identity

Reblogged from catherinecronin:

Click to visit the original post
  • Click to visit the original post

When we ask our students to share online — in a discussion forum within an LMS; in a wiki, course blog, Google Doc or Facebook group; on Twitter or anywhere on the open web — we are inviting not just online interaction but an enactment of each student’s digital identity.

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Is there such a thing as too much space?

Over the last days preparing for the start of #edcmooc I, along with MANY others, have been overwhelmed with the share number of spaces for connection and learning. In the last 3 days I have come to be aware of at least 20 new spaces I had never even heard of and feeling the pressure (whether that is environmental or a mental script I’m not sure) to engage in some spaces that previously I had avoided.…

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Get scraped!

Confused and overwhelmed following #etmooc and perhaps other mooc blog feeds? Even more confused trying to follow comments? Have no fear, the MOOC comment scraper is here… you still won’t be able to read everything, so don’t try.

MOOC Comment Scraper

Scraping a MOOC for Comments (Based on ‘la vaca de los sinvaca’ – by José Bogado), from gb155, writing:

I’m still intending to Comment Scrape Edinburgh Philosophy Mooc blogs as proposed in my last post but following a comment by Vanessa Vaile and looking for a good set of blogs for testing purposes, I unleashed the Scraper on 81 Etmooc Blogger blogs and it returned the following output (see below) – a good test!

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….and may I present the first introductory assignment. Here are some random things to know about me in video format. I have also been a huge fan of making videos and have been amateurly (I think I just invented that word LOL) playing with video programming software on and off for the last few years.…

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Instructional Design & MOOCs: A Perfect Storm

Larnaca, meet the MOOCs; MOOC’s, meet Lamarca. I almost forgot about this post/share, “Quick review of the Larnaca Learning Design Declaration,” from OLDaily in drafts.  Forgetting about drafts happens way too often but could be serendipity this time, pairing up for comparison with Geof Cain’s Brainstorm in Progress post, “MOOCs: Why Do We need Instructional Design?

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