When is it a digital story?

In a previous blog post, I wanted to know if storyboarding takes away from creativity. Feel free to read here if you missed it. I got varying responses but it has been on my mind. I have moved forward as does my digital story for #etmooc.…

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Mapping a Network

Recently, I asked all of you a question, “What would you do as a Director of Blended Learning?

Immediately after the first response came in, I realized that I would need some way to aggregate all of the answers.…

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My Story of Art and Flow … Visible Learning , Digital Story Telling

Why do I love painting., because I think I might make money at it someday? No absolutely NOT.

It is because it is the ONLY thing in my life that brings me such wonderful flow. True flow in the psychological sense as described by the positive psychologist Michaly Csikszentmihaly.  …

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Learning Reflections

Had a storytelling session with Darren Kuropatwa

We participated in some amazing activities and here is one of them:

Everyone uploaded a short video of something beautiful around them and Darren created a compilation called ETMOOC Beauty

Sheri Edwards added captions to the video with popcorn

Check it out: ETMOOC Beauty

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Content vs. Creation in the Classroom


I remember an undergraduate survey, when I was a TA in grad school, asking them what they thought made a TA great, in their opinion.  To my surprise, it wasn’t how much their TA loved what they taught or how dynamic their classrooms were that mattered most, but rather how well they knew their subject matter. …

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Learning in the Open: Networked Student Identities

This weekend, I gave a short presentation at a great little student conference hosted here at UPEI: Difficult Dialogues: Exploring Relationships Between Identities and Power.

(When I say “short” I mean I was still talking when the poor timekeeper started waving the STOP sign in front of my face: it’s been awhile since I tried to encapsulate ideas into fifteen minutes.)…

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Learning Reflections

Sherry Hegstrom – Emerging Technologies in Education commented on a post by Jeff UtechtWHAT DOES IT MEAN TO DISCONNECT?

Jeff asked the question:

Are you consuming, using or creating with technology?

And demonstrates the answer with a pie chart representing statistics on Internet participation.…

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When do we create, produce and share more?

Today, I came upon a great post by Jeff Utecht. The post HERE is titled “What doesit mean to Disconnect”. Jeff hit some great points, the definition of being connected to technology is very broad and does depend on your perspective.…

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What would you do as a Director of Blended Learning?

My learning network is invisible. At least it is to everyone but me. I see the connections I have made and know the level of depth our conversations represent. I have seen changes in learning spaces and whole systems shift because of the power of this invisible network.…

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#etmooc Tweet Chat: Navigating Streams and Rivers

Fascinated by and immersed in Twitter backchannels and tweet chats, I’ve recently been assisting learners in the latest offering of our ALA Editions Social Media Basics course as they explore live chat sessions in a variety of social media platforms.

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