Learning From Setbacks: Next Steps

My last post discussed how some of my standards based assessment plans went awry. The next post or two will document the adjustments I’m making in the new semester in order to improve the process. I’ll begin with communication.

The SBA grade book I created worked well for me, but it was difficult to share with students who only were able to see a PowerSchool summary of my much more detailed assessments.…

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DT in the Latin Classroom

Now that I’ve working more with design thinking and have learned how powerful of a mindset it can be for creativity and innovation, I’ve been trying to infuse it into my Latin classrooms. It’s not always easy to move through the entire design thinking process in a Latin course, but I believe it can be done—and done well—in at least a few ways.…

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Tracking 50 Passion Projects at Once

As my second full year of Genius Hour passion projects begins, I’m trying something new in order to better track each student’s progress. Last year I learned plenty from my students, including that I need a leaner, more agile tracking system in order to assess, encourage, and praise progress.…

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ISTE2014 and Collaboration

After a week in Atlanta for FUSE14 and ISTE2014, my head is spinning. It was an extraordinary experience, and I learned so much that it’s going to take months to sort it all out. Most of all, it was a invigorating and inspiring to spend quality time in person with so many amazing people (thanks +Dominique Dynes for the picture below!).
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Must Read for teachers and leaders using Google+: 50 Cool Things To Do On Google+ Right Now

50 Cool Things To Do On Google+ Right Now

If you are ummming and arring about Google+ now is the time to get involved. As they say, the first step is always the hardest…so here are 50 to get you started…

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Hangin’ Out Google Style

Communicating with a global audience has never been easier with the plethora of social media tools at our disposal. One such tool is Google Hangouts. Google Hangouts is an instant messaging and video chat service that can be accessed via a computer or mobile device.

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Experimenting with Open Collaboration

In week 3 of the #TeachtheWeb MOOC, we were asked to find someone to collaborate with and create something together.  The theme for the week was the open web and that was the inspiration for our collaborative work.

I loved the guiding blog post that was written for this week because it succinctly and accessibly covered some of the most important issues around opennessdecentralization, transparency, hacakability, ownership/authorship, collaboration and  remixed derivations.…

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#etmooc #ltis13 Autoprotezione

Da quando Ginevra è entrata nella mia vita, 30 marzo 2013, i ritmi delle mie giornate sono mutati, dedicati a coccole, giochi e passeggiate. Di conseguenza la mia connessione alla rete si è drasticamente ridotta; a farne le spese è soprattutto questo blog, non così il mio album su flickr dove ho creato un set interamente dedicato alla cagnetta.

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I’m Helping to #TeachTheWeb – Join Me!

Yesterday, I dove into a new MOOC called Teach the Web started by Mozilla and created by a Webmaker Mentor Community of people around the world who are determined and passionate about helping people be empowered to “CREATE the web, rather than just consume it.”…

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