Holy Connectedness!!!

I just completed listening and watching the recorded session with George Couros titled “Becoming a Networked Educational Leader” (you can find the recorded Blackboard Collaborate session here).  Once again George reflected on many amazing examples of how being connected to students, families and staff has improved their experiences all round.…

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Responsive Learning

I am a Responsive Classroom teacher. Sometimes that gets the reputation of being “touchy-feely”. However, anyone who knows me would not describe me or my teaching that way. I have high expectations for student behavior and work that coincides with one of  the core principles of RC: the social curriculum is as important as the academic curriculum.…

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#etmooc – Becoming a Networked Educational Leader

Today’s session was presented by George Couros. I missed the first part as I was out of the office but the live notes below are from what I did catch in the second half of the session.

For full disclosure, I do not work within a school or educational setting, so I find that it was more difficult for me to connect with the information.…

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If you are thinking it someone else is also!

On January 27, 2013 Lynda Hall wrote in her blog The De-tech-tive 4 Teachers the following:

“For well over a year now, my professional goal has been to expand my interaction with the global teaching community.  As you can well imagine, the benefits of developing a supportive and passionate Professional Learning Network (PLN) have been very inspiring and thought-provoking.  

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Learn. Create. Talk. #etmooc post #2


So I’m being pushed. 

I’ve been MIA on Twitter and G+ last year and a half due to many reasons. I don’t need to go into what those are, but I had made my decision after much thought. As I mentioned in my #etmooc intro video, my daily learning life changed since I started joining Twitter and building my PLN.…

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Drink without drowning from the Twitter River

With some software, you can divide  the Twitter River into drinkable streams (Image: River Itchen Weir by neilalderney123 on flickr CC)

With some software, you can divide the Twitter River into drinkable streams
(Image: River Itchen Weir by neilalderney123 on flickr CC)

For the past few weeks, I’ve been participating in #etmooc, a massive open online course (MOOC) about educational technology and media.…

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One Small Step For A Novice, One Giant Leap To Expertise

Thanks again to Sue Waters for her help to set up Google Reader [I can see an application of it for my students already], Google Calendar plus feedback on TweetDeck and HootSuite.

I appreciate the archived Blackboard Collaborate sessions on #ETMOOC.…

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#etmooc An Ed-Tech for Me

Yesterday I listened to @jkunrein's Authoring Tools talk on the RelateCasts youtube channel. But that's not really what this post is about. Listening to the tools discussion got me to thinking about who uses the tools. Most of the tools she discussed are used to develop elearning.
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#etmooc An Ed-Tech for Me

Yesterday I listened to @jkunrein's Authoring Tools talk on the RelateCasts youtube channel. But that's not really what this post is about. Listening to the tools discussion got me to thinking about who uses the tools. Most of the tools she discussed are used to develop elearning.
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