syndicating 5358 posts from 517 #etmooc blogs

Spoof websites

I was intrigued when I heard about all the spoof websites out there, and ever ready for the opportunity to try out a new app, I have collected a few of them here.


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Beyond the buzz, where are MOOCs really going? [Horn & Christensen]

Beyond the buzz, where are MOOCs really going? – from by Michael Horn and Clayton Christensen


MOOCs can be much more than marketing and edutainment. We believe they are likely to evolve into a “scale business”: one that relies on the technology and data backbone of the medium to optimize and individualize learning opportunities for millions of students.…

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The Digital Divide


The Digital Divide

Enthused and energized by #etmooc sessions, yet disheartened by collegial ‘naysayers’ – a digital divide- this characterized my week. The posting of a current NYT article entitled “The Trouble With Online College” by a colleague set off a spat of heated emails debating the pros and cons (mostly cons) of online courses just as my department is, once again, formulating a new five year academic plan under another  new president.…

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What do I do? What is a MOOC?

I’ve written many articles in the past about learning and network building and since mid January I’ve been part of an Education Technology and Media MOOC #ETMOOC where more than 1600 people are gathering on-line to share ideas about learning, digital story telling, on-line collaboration, etc.…

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Critical crap detection

First of all, my apologies for the moving parts in this post. They are a hangover from the last session in #etmooc where I had a go at different digital media tools. If you want to know how they were made please read this post


So, this week it is all about digital literacies.…

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Purpose for Social Media and Vlogging

Slide Deck Overview:

Created with Haiku Deck, the free presentation app for iPad


Reflective Practice Vlogging Community:
Ben Wilkoff’s Youtube Channel:
Luke Cowdell’s Reflection:
Sheri Edwards’ Reflection:
Fellowship of the Ning:
#iPDX13 Notes:

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3 Ways to Enrich Your Online Course Discussions

While your LMS discussion tool helps to foster student interaction, you may feel limited by its structure and capabilities. It’s time to bring some variety into the way students interact with you and each other. Here are three ways to cultivate rich, real-life conversations in the discussion area of your online course: 1.…

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What are we doing?! We will all pay for these broken strategies — for generations to come! Time for some new goals!

From DSC:
Some very frustrated reflections after reading:

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syndicating 5358 posts from 517 #etmooc blogs