syndicating 5358 posts from 517 #etmooc blogs

Blogging about Blogging

I am gearing up to introduce blogging to my Grade 6-9 students.  I have attended two ETMOOC sessions with Sue Waters, have read some of Sue’s blogs about blogging with students, have scheduled in time to attend another archived ETMOOC on the same topic this week.…

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Feedforward in the Writing Process

I have deliberately chosen the word feedforward as opposed to feedback as a focus for my work with struggling readers and writers in my English First Peoples 10 class.  One of the key learning outcomes at this grade is to be able to make connections through writing—a task my students find difficult. …

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Week note 4&5 2013

Having been mega busy over the last few weeks I’ve neglected the blog and missed last weeks notes. Therefore this week’s note is a round up of the last two weeks.

So here it goes:

Held a small focus group for the study skills project

Re-organised a focus group with engineering and sixth form for the above project

Held a progress meeting for the study skills project where we further tweaked the layout to make it more user friendly

Admitted defeat and  put the ‘Careers TV’ project on hold.…

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Disconnected and Disengaged

The last month has been a whirlwind of becoming connected using technology.  Prior to January, the only social media/online media I was connected to was Gmail, Google Reader, Facebook, Skype and Pinterest.  Now, I have added Twitter, Diigo, Educreations, ETMOOC, Goggle +, Google hangout, LinkedIn and this additional blog.…

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Final notes from 1/24-25 National Mentoring Summit

I received an email from MENTOR today announcing that photos, videos and workshop presentations are now available at this link.

I’ve been working on a final recap expressing some of my observations. I wrote here and here showing some of the people I met and comments I heard.…

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there’s a MOOC for that

once you start MOOCing you just can’t stop.

I had a great time connecting with folks from #etmooc – I especially enjoyed the synchronous blackboard sessions. Having never participated in an interactive online classroom before, it was a surreal experience to watch a presenters respond in real time to what I, a faceless student, scrawled on the blackboard slides.…

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Can storytelling and content courses play nice?

In a society characterized by uncertainty and rapid change, the ability to think creatively is becoming the key to success and satisfaction, both professionally and personally. For today’s children, nothing is more important than learning to think creatively – learning to come up with innovative solutions to the unexpected situations that will continually arise in their lives.

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Cape Scott Adventures – A digital story! #ETMOOC

For this section of the #ETMOOC, we’ve been focusing on Digital Stories and have had some excellent presentations and opportunities to practice and learn this fascinating art.  I’ve been really enjoying the #sixwordstories and the Five-Card-Flickr stories that everyone has been sharing, as well as the animated GIFs that have started appearing around the #etmooc Google Plus Community.

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syndicating 5358 posts from 517 #etmooc blogs