syndicating 5358 posts from 517 #etmooc blogs

Digital Storytelling: Embracing the Creative

I don’t think I like digital story telling.  There, I said it.

Yes, I have a story to tell. Yes, I can do this digitally.

No, I don’t wanna.

Maybe I’m just from another generation (I’m 51) and just like having the story in my head, after reading the words on a piece of paper.  …

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A Digital Story and A Reflection

I completed the revisions on my first video, what might loosely be called a digital “story”: 

It’s quite hokey and oh so UN-original, but it was fun to do and a good learning experience. It’s about five minutes long, although the final 1:30 of that is an extended credits, mostly because I have a voice-love for Chrissie Hynde, and I wanted to include a bit more of the phrase repetitions in Mystery Achievement than is probably necessary, which, of course, set off the copyright and fair use widget.
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#winterwondergram: Patterns and Diversions

An Instagram Perspective Story

I’ve been doing a lot of experimenting with hashtags and social media lately, particularly because:

1. Finding stories with data intrigues me

2. I like the serendipity aspect

3. I want to further explore McLuhan’s “medium is the message/massage” concept

One blog post I’d recommend is this one by Clive Thompson:

“The Tag Is the Soul of the Internet”

He addresses the McLuhan/Innis notion of bias in communication:

“That how a medium functions is far more interesting and powerful than the content that travels over it.”

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Digital Storytelling – What Is It?

I thought I was on information over-load after the first three weeks of the etMOOC (Massive Open Online Course) I signed up for.  Last weekend, we were introduced to our new topic: Digital Storytelling.  I have been to workshops before on Digital Storytelling, actually even created some of my own “stories” using Movie Maker, so I thought this week would be easier.…

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I really enjoyed the post by Brendan Murphy on rhizomatic learning. He talked about deep learning and how to encourage that both for himself as a learner, but also for his students.

I am experimenting with a variety of tools – feeling a bit like a groundhog – popping up to read and get ideas and then back in my burrow to experiment.…

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Frustrations with Flip Books

To close out the first week of my digital storytelling explorations for #etmooc, I decided to try two new tools. I’ll talk about one in this post and the second in another post because (while writing) I realized each one requires a fairly detailed explanation.…

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The Rhizomagic of MOOCs: an #ETMOOC Kind of Story

I have joined #ETMOOC late, but I’m glad that I joined. This week we are sharing stories, and I’ve chosen two. The first is a six-word tale with image.

The second tale is a repeat of something that has happened with every MOOC I’ve joined so far, but it’s still a fine story.…

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Analyzing MOOCs – A SWOT Analysis

Reblogged from Andrew Spinner:

One of my many roles at @Understoodit includes conducting onging analysis and research of education technology tools and trends.  One of the most interesting and heavily discussed areas relates to what is known as Massive Open Online Courses, or MOOC for short.  

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syndicating 5358 posts from 517 #etmooc blogs