syndicating 5358 posts from 517 #etmooc blogs

Burgundy Pot

So, on Wednesday nights we have etmooc chat and one of these nights I might make it to an etmooc chat because I am having a great time on this course. But Wednesday night is pottery night and I just hate to miss it.…

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The Truth about Academic Integrity in Online Courses

Because online students lack face-to-face interaction with instructors, you might assume they cheat more than their on-campus counterparts. However, research conducted by the Distance Education Center at the University of West Georgia indicates higher rates of cheating in traditional, live courses.…

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Storytelling #etmooc een verhaal vertellen

Geef een groepje van 5-7 leerlingen een paar foto’s en vraag of ze er een verhaal bij willen maken. Vrij te gebruiken foto’s op

Give a 5-7 students some photo’s and ask them to make a story about the photo’s.…

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Connect in the Middle #etmooc

Middle level educators have joined together through tweets (#midlevt), Diigo Group, and a wiki to find common ground and to explore and discover solutions to issues.

As we can, we take questions from our #etmooc experience and answer them according to our mid level focus:

How important is connected learning?…

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Sixes: 6 Word Story and 6 Songs of Me

I wasn’t really planning to do the 6 word story exercise, but while making breakfast it came to me:

You had me at hello, Cancer


(for some this may seem controversial, but I’m a 6 year breast cancer survivor. Unfortunately, my mom lost her battle with colon cancer 2 years ago.…

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Adventures: A Choice #etmooc

I’ve been thinking about this “Choose your own adventure,” and “curating multiple paths to learning” that Ben Wilkoff suggests in his Learning is Change series.  My response is this:


Choose A Motivating Environment #etmooc from Sheri Edwards on Vimeo.…

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Choose Your Path 5 Card Flickr Story #etmooc

Five Card Story: Choose Your Path

a #etmooc story created by sheri42

flickr photo by dmffryed

Choose your path


flickr photo by mrsdkrebs

Let the tendrils of life flow through old ideas


flickr photo by mrsdkrebs

To add new steps and styles


flickr photo by mrsdkrebs

That plant your unique rainbow of creativity


flickr photo by Henriksent

That waves gently into the path of others, rippling new oceans of endless connections.

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#etmooc Digital Storytelling Experiment: Nebraska Winters


credits: Original panel imagery by Anonymous/Unknown

Created as an experiment in digital storytelling for etmooc!

Tried using the Visual Poet app, as recommended by Margaret at

Filed under: ETMOOC, Professional Development Tagged: Digital storytelling, educational technology, etmooc, Storytelling, visual poetry

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syndicating 5358 posts from 517 #etmooc blogs