syndicating 5358 posts from 517 #etmooc blogs

#ETMOOC at Edublogs

Welcome to my dedicated #ETMOOC  and #edchat blog site.

It is with fear and trepidation that I learn at all.

Knowing that the more I learn, the  more there is to know.…

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Students Are Ahead of the Game

Several years ago, cellphones started appearing en masse in schools and the immediate reaction was to have students put them away. Later, as cellphones developed into smartphones and students harnessed the power of texting, roaming data and social media, some schools continued to react in the same way, demanding students not use devices in class.…

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Week One with #ETMOOC

#etmooc logo

I got a late start with this wonderful learning opportunity becasue I first heard about it on Saturday while attending the Classroom 2.0 Live webinar. (Thank you Peggy. @pgeorge) After the weekly CR2.0 webinar concluded, I checked out the link Peggy shared with me and started exploring the#etMOOC. …

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Social Bookmarking vs Content Curation

I just finished watching the archive of “Introduction to Social Curation.”  The session opened my eyes to yet another reason why the development of a PLN is important and why it is so important to ‘give back’ or ‘pay it forward.’ …

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The Journey continues…

It is great to participate in a mooc again, and to reconnect with the ed tech community. My primary interests include social software for learning and facilitating learners to become self-directed. I am currently teaching a course in our school’s web design program, that focuses on developing a personal learning environment/network, and learning to use new web tools in the process.…

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Making my learning visible…

Just finished watching the Orientation and Welcome recorded session on Blackboard Collaborate.  I’ve always felt like a person that has been on top of the technology movement in education, but now I feel a bit behind!  I know that compared to many of my colleagues at school that I am on top, but there is so much to learn out there!…

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Some resources/perspectives on MOOCs

How free online courses are changing the traditional liberal arts education — from
As tuition costs continue to rise, it seems counterintuitive that professors at top universities would give away their courses for free. But that’s exactly what they’re doing, on web-based platforms known as “Massive Open Online Courses.”

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ET MOOC Weekly Recap: Thoughts on Streams of Information

As I have said, I am a plodder. I finally finished watching the archived “collaborations,” and I want to thank everyone for their efforts in putting those together and making them available. I plan to participate in my first live “collaboration” this afternoon.
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The end of Week One – Wow.

It is Monday afternoon here in Guatemala City and outside my office our Elementary IT teacher is doing an excellent job of teaching a Grade 4 class about researching safely on the internet.  In my office, I am not quite that organized either on my desk or in my mind.  …

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syndicating 5358 posts from 517 #etmooc blogs