syndicating 5358 posts from 517 #etmooc blogs

Competencies, not Courses

Very thought-provoking statement from George Siemens on Twitter:

I think competency-based learning is where things are going. Learning unit reduced from courses to competencies.

If he is correct (I believe he is), this has a lot of implication on the things we usually talk about in relationship to MOOCs:  economics, the University (and the entire formal education system), the student.  …

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Thoughts on Student Blogging

Thursday night’s Intro to Blogging with +Sue Waters was exactly the proverbial “shot in the arm” that I needed to get me thinking more strategically about implementing blogs into my classroom. It’s been something that I’ve been considering and ruminating and, yes, procrastinating on for quite a while.…

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Expanding, Sustaining Funding – New Thinking Needed

I’ve been part of an Education Technology MOOC (#ETMOOC) this week where more than 1000 people from around the world are connecting on-line and sharing ideas about uses of technology in education, learning, media and network building.

I’ve been trying for the past 20 years to build this type of learning community, connecting all of those who are concerned with the gap between rich and poor in America, the education system, workforce diversity, social justice, violence, public health, and a number of other reasons to be involved.…

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The Power of Visible Learning

I enjoy reading Hattie’s work (Visible Learning and Visible Learning for Teachers), but in all the quality time I have spent with Hattie’s writing, I have only really thought about how it applied to children/students.

My first day in #etMOOC changed all that.…

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I feel conflicted about wanting more followers….

January 18

I just watched the “Intro to Twitter” session for #etmooc.  I’m already using Twitter and I have a whopping 40-some followers.  And if I’m being honest, I’m ok with that, for now.  

I am definitely in the “lurker stage” of connectedness.  …

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Starting the Project.. .Adding the Technology

So, anyone that has been reading my dribble here may have seen my comments on starting a project with my classes on finding water on Mars.  We’re starting with learning about the Moon, the only planetary body in the solar system humans have visited.…

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Advice (to myself) on working in the #etmooc

In “Is that a question I see before me?” Stacey Kerr remarks that holding a question in mind when she sits down to read through the content of the MOOC is a helpful strategy she discovered at the advice of another participant, Jeff Merrell.…

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Loading... turns minutes into seconds

As a participant in #etmooc I was introduced to the writing tool on BlackBoard Collaborate that enables dozens of participants to type responses to questions on a virtual white board. It’s fun to watch the page populate with ideas (silently). 

I was hoping to find something similar to use without having to use BB and now I find
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Seek, make-sense and share (then repeat)

As I’ve attempted to keep up with mass of information flowing through ETMOOC this week, my mind has turned to reflecting on the work of Harold Jarche and his writings on personal knowledge management (PKM). (I discovered his work years ago as he occasionally skewers the public education system here in New Brunswick, but that would be a whole other post).…

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Like Spokes on a Wheel

As the ETMOOC gets underway in earnest, many of the participants will be blogging about their learning, some for the very first time.  As participants draw connections between their ideas, these blog posts will rub up against one another, and like spokes centred on a common central idea, we’ll all be able to move forward together.
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syndicating 5358 posts from 517 #etmooc blogs