syndicating 5358 posts from 517 #etmooc blogs

Ethics for MOOCs: Imagination

I want to finish my series about rhizo-ethics before Dave Cormier posts another #rhizo15 challenge. We’ll see.Woermann and Cilliers’ discussion of complex ethics in their article The ethics of complexity and the complexity of ethics (2012) insists that ethics in complex spaces requires a self-critical rationality and that this rationality is supported by four principles: provisionality, …

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Glow Cast


Glow Cast is a new podcast. Just one episode so far.

As you would imagine it is a podcast about Glow. The idea is to keep the episodes short and fairly casual. The more important function is to demonstrate how easy it s to podcast and provide some resources for would be podcasters.…

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Portraits of #CIRTL15

I had the pleasure of attending the CIRTL Network‘s conference, “Preparing the Future STEM Faculty for the Rapidly Changing Landscape of Higher Education” at Texas A&M in College Station, TX on April 12 – 14, 2015.

It was a great meeting with a lively Twitter backchannel using hashtag #CIRTL15.…

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An #msloc430 Working Out Loud Week May 4-10

We’re experimenting. May 4-10 will be working-out-loud week for graduate students in MSLOC 430, the course I teach covering enterprise social networks, work and learning. On Twitter, watch the #msloc430 #wol hashtags. Here’s how we’re set up. The main topics The course is part of the Master’s Program in Learning and Organizational Change at Northwestern […]

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Academic Honesty and Creative Commons

A few years ago in connection to a presentation Samuel was giving, we made a digital booklet of how to find media teachers/students can use without infringing copyright. As I have started working with my students to create media products this year I have wondered how this might look in a lower elementary classroom and what apps/sites can help students use other people’s work honestly.…

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Inquiry Cycles

We are discussing inquiry cycles at school at the moment. We have adopted the Big6 and Super3 school wide for our student Information Seeking Process (ISP) but I think inquiry needs more… more something…

Carol Kuhlthau has a guided inquiry cycle which I really like (I actually started summarising the book before we moved here – pervious post here but know I have bought it on Kindle).…

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Knowledge vs. Understanding

“Once u have a rigid way of thinking in your head, sometimes you cannot change that, even if u want to.” This is relevant to so much of what we do with professional learning, change, policy, education, etc.

This video is definitely worth a watch.…

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#OTRK12 Follow Up: Professional Learning

On Thursday April 23rd at #OTRK12, I was very fortunate to spend an hour of time with educators from all over Ontario discussing professional learning. Thanks to @Tina_Zita for the poster describing my session.  The focus was sharing about how leaders balance and blend online and onground ways of learning.…

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syndicating 5358 posts from 517 #etmooc blogs